Good morning today, i revieved your mail and i must let you to
know that there are so many diffrent kind of dubiouse transaction that has been going on this eath and in this world that
we are today, there are the good and the bad once that is why one don't have to trust any body when it come's to anything
regards transaction such as mine related to monitory aspect it look to that person as if this is the kind of people again.
Donny i must have to let you that i am not for joke neither playing
games with you at all. All our arms is to see that this money is been transfered out of this country so that we can come were
this money has been transfered to settle down and invest this money on , but since you have taking us to be among those you
are calling 419 may our lord lead you and see to those you believe that there are trustworthy, but all i believe is that we
are not for any dubiouse art rather for us to see this transaction through for the both family, that is why we contacted you
at the initial time for this assistance.
For us to prove you right kindly send to me this very money that
i have demanded from you because i am seriousely sick since you decided not to be an assistance to us, in short i must have
to confess to you that my sickness become more seriouse and my old mother is not in the posession to raise money to me for
my treatment just because she is old and she is having for stroke which can not allowed her to go out and look for money for
my treatment, god has been using people around us in assistance to me in this illness, so i begged you once more again
to please help me out at this stage since you have made up you mind in assisting us in this reagrds.
You can still send the money through my name failing today if
you have the fear of god in you please for god sake. i believe you are not our god but we plead to god and he anwsered our
prayer why most you not help those that are in need at this point.
Thank you very much , i still remain to be loyal with you in any
Yours Sincerely. Harrison.
Dear Harri, Yes, god has spoken to me about you. Thank
you for your very sincere and godly letter. I see that you are not playing a child's game. Again, I am very sorry
for the mean way in which my wife Marie treated you. She is sometimes mean that way to me. Our marriage is not
very good. I may divorce her. She does not obey the things I tell her and I believe that she has been
unfaithful to me many times with other men. She likes to play with men on the Internet. I hope that she
did not try and seduce you. I am very angry at her and I have forbidden her to use my e-mail account anymore.
I have been praying to god and he has shown me that you are probably a very honest and holy man like myself.
I pray seven times a day and attend church twice a week. I have no doubt that you are a Christian, or at least
a Muslim, maybe a Jew or even a Druid. Marie and I belong the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints You can look them up on the Internet. If
you want I can send missionaries from our church to come and see you and lay hands on you for healing. Would that
be okay? They have healed me many, many times. I'll check to see if they can bring you money to buy
drugs also. God has told me that I need a sign from you in order to show your good faith before I open
up my wallet to you. As I said, it is not that I don't trust you, it's just that I have heard of many 419 games
that people play. Can you send me a sign of your good faith and trust? What can you do in God's
name to show me that you are real and sincere and not playing one of these games. Maybe a picture of you in a
church, holding a sign with my name, so I know it is you? A letter from your minister or priest? Or
maybe you could send me a picture of your holey baptism papers? I need to know that you are a godly man that I
can trust before I send money to you. In God's Holey Name, Donnie
Donny Good day to you today, i recieved your mail and the content
of your mail are still sanding like somebody that just trying to be joking with me at all. Before my agreement with you on
what you have said kindly send down what i have demanded from as for my treatment because i am not going to use my teeth to
snap picture that i will send to you for your comfirmation,
So please if you are seriouse with me at all do send the money
and i will pay for my drungs and also snap the picture that you mentioned to you on how i am going to snap the picture like
the wy you have said . Please if you are not ready for this kindly leave me alone so that i can focus my eyes on what is acking
me at this point, i don't want to start writing mails to you for playing, i believe it is time you have to reffresh your thinking
with me and know what is wrong.
Thanks you. Harrison
Harri, Dear sir. I am behind you but be assured that
it is not gay. I have spoken with God and he tells me that I must not change my position. I must stay behind
you. But there is something that he is telling me to beware of. He asks that you give me proof that you are a
god fearing man and that you are who you say you are and not an imposter. Please submit evidence and when you
do, then god said that it is okay for me to send you money. If you are sick, please have your old mother or sister
take a picture of you and hold a sign saying, "Hello Donny Osmond, Please Send Money". That is not a picture that you
can cut out of a magazine or find on the Internet or something. I am going to be looking to see if you are really sick.
This is real and a simple request from God, not from me. Please pray and you will understand. With
The Sincere Love of Joseph Smith, Our Church Founder and Patriarch, Donny Osmond
Dearest Harri, I did not hear from you today. You must have been in
church like me. For the next few days I will be going downtown in Ogden Utah with my missionary brothers with
the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints. We raise money for families who are having troubles, like yours.
I have told them all about you and they have agreed to help me raise money for you and your family. But I told them
that you would give me some proof from god that you are not playing one of those Nigerian games with us. I will
be waiting for your photographic proof. Your Brother in the Missionary Position of God, Donnie
Donny .
I recieve your mail of today, and i most have to let you know
that i never started this transaction with you as a joke neither to see that this money in question leave this country that
we are now to your on account in your country, so i see no reason of your telling me things concerning nigeria scam because
i am not from nigeria and i am for that dubiouse charracter. If you are for us for this assistance please kindly do,
for i believe that our god will multiplier all your needs according to his reaches in the name of our lord jesus.
Regard to the photo you ask me to snap in the churche and send
to you, like as i have told you before in my previouse mail that we are not financialy with money at hand now that is why
i requested for your assitance for my treatment and for the photograph picture, So if realy you having the fear of god in
you please kingly do that because things are getting more worster with us at moment, all our hope realiered on this money
in bank and we trusted you that is why we contacted you for this assitance to us.
For you to prove whom i am try and send the money and i will do
everything that you ask me to for you to have trust on us that we not the people you think that we are, but god know every
woman beings with all thier deeds.If realy your people want to raise money for me for my treatment and for the photo kindly
instruct them to do that soonext.
Thank you very much for mail of yesterday. Yours Sincerely. Harrison.
Dear Brother Harri, I have been working the streets of Ogden
Utah for the past four days, raising money for your cause with the Mormon missionaries. We raised over $3,000
for you and your family! I hope you don't mind, but we spent some of the money on lunches at McDonalds while we
were there but still have plenty left over. We met some very godly people downtown that were very touched by your story
and were happy to give us money. Only a few told us that they didn't believe you, but after we spanked them they quickly
changed their minds. When we were all done after four days of hard fund raising for you, the missionary brothers and I stopped
by the Lace strip club and knocked back a few brewskis. Marie was working and she gave us all lap dances on the house.
Harri, God has spoken to me loud and clearly. He told me "do not send the money to Harri until he
sends you the picture." I trust God. Do you? Love, Brother Donny
Good morning today. i recieved your mail of today and i most have
to let you know that i am not asking you for that kind of huge amount of money to be send to us neither i am seeking for your
assistance for just $300 dollars and that could be enough for me to take care of my medical treatment and also snap the picture
to you as you have asked. So all that you are saying that your church membners has raise for us the sum of $3,000.00 dollars
i never demanded for that huge amount of money from you ok.
So if really your church member has raise that kind of amount
of money, why can't you try and send just $300 or $200 dollars to me and see if i will not follow to your own instructions.
Donny' i am too young to be telling you lies that will not fetch
me any good in future, you have be telling me all kind of story that in short your story has BE making not to write you any
more , but my Old mother is the one who advice me to go and write to you if not i could't have writen to you ok. I believe
that in this life seeing is believing and i can not believe you with all this your stories everyday with know in come.
Thank you Donny for all your effort towards us and Our god will
tell the truth in time to come.
Dear Harri, Thank you for your response. The Mormon church
brothers and I want to help you. We didn't know how much you needed, so we just raised as much as we could.
But that's okay, we'll find another sick child or widow to support with the extra money. Harri,
we have grown very fond of you and your family. Our love, just like God's, is free and unconditional and will always be there.
God has spoken to me and has told me that certain things must happen for money to be exchanged. I have to have
a photo before god will let me send money. I have to obey God's word. I'm sorry. Love, Donny
Hairy, How are you. I'm sorry that I haven't written
for a very long time. I was very sick and crazy for awhile because of the HIV. I was so sick and confused that
I didn't know what I was doing. I was taking a drug called crack that was supposed to make me feel better. I may
have said some crazy and mean things to you while I was taking that drug. I hope that I didn't hurt your feelings.
I don't remember much about that time. Please, can you forgive me? I am much better now. My
old husband Donny kicked me out of the house. He told me that he read our e-mails and thought that I was having
a love relationship with you. He was mad. Please, if Donny e-mails anything to you, do not trust
him. Please only deal with me, your Mummy Marie. Donny is crazy and thinks that he is a man of God and going to
church all the time now. But I know he is really running around with the church missionaries and getting drunk and going
to bars. I do not trust him. He has not been good to me! He beat me and denied me money when I was
with him. I was glad to leave that bastard. I am back living with Shaq again. I have a warm
bed, good food, a computer and good sex. Shaq is taking good care of me. Please write me again and let me
know how you and your family are doing. Love, Mummy Marie
Hey Harri, Dear brother in God. How are you and
your family? I still await your godly evidence of proof of being. The Mormon missionaries have all read
your story now and are sad to learn of your sickness, your mother's sickness and your missing father. We all want
to find a way to give you the helping hand of God. Meanwhile, the Mormon missionaries
and I have church tomorrow. After Sunday, if we do not hear from you we have decided to invest the $3,000 that we raised
and run over to Vegas. We'll split up and take a grand each, try our luck on the tables and slots or whatever to seewhat
happens. I've been reading a book on a system for Roullette that is guaranteed to win. Whatever we earn, we've
agreed to give half to God, half to you, two thirds to my ex-wife Marie and a quarter to taxes. Then whatever is left
over we'll invest in high yield tax deferred municipal bonds. Do you understand that I am not only a man of God but
I am also good with math and a very good businessman. I could be of great help you young man. Happy
Sabath to you and send me that picture evidence very soon Harri. Your Brother in the Wholy Bloody
Word of Jesus, Donny
Good morning today, i recieved your mail of today and i most have
to let you know that if you are a really man of god you could have try and see if what i am telling is true or fox because
i can not take because you want to send to me $300 dollars and steal to snap picture to you. I believe you have my photograph
picture with you there which i scan and send to you and my identity card by the time you demanded for it, why is it that i
am telling you that we don't have money at hand you think that i am trying to claim your money from you. Well i have tried
all i could to see that you help me out of this sickness but you never believed me , so please it is time you have to stop
writing me and please face your work, because i am tired of writing mail to you without any result.
Thank and god be with you. Harrison.
Brother Harrison, Listen to me please brother. I have
nothing to prove to God that you are who you say that you are other than your e-mails. If you sent a picture, you sent
it to Marie not to me. We no longer live together or speak to each other. I must have something
Harrison. If you were doing a business deal with Donald Trump, he would ask for your passport with current photo and
your other business papers. Then he would probe all your orfices. Brother, you have to give a little to get a
little. All God is asking is for a small picture that is really you with some official documents. My missionary
brothers and I have been asked by God to help you and we intend to do that. We ask for very little from you in
order to receive God's assistance. We have $3,000 that God has asked us to use to help those poor souls in need, like
you. In the name of Muhammad, Donny
Donny. Thank you very much for your of today and how are things
going on with you generaly. Brother' i have explain all i could do to you, but you seems not to believe me at all. Is it becasue
of $300 dollars that will make me to become what i want to be on earth. look donny if we are having that amount of money to
snap this very picture that you are asking for i could have done it without prolonging matters, were we are staying as of
now is out scach of the town and we pay for our transport before going to the main town. every day i pay for my transport
to get my treatment from the hospital because there noting like hospital in the village were we leave, there is no light
neither hospital or were we can snap picture, that is why i have been demanding this little amount of money from you , so
that i can do all you have requested from me.
So please brother if you are having the fear of god in you
kindly please just send down to me just $50 dollars and i will go straight to the main town and get this picture for you and
you will see me and our church member with the picture you have ask for. Look i can not be poor and the same time become a
witchcraft (I wonder if that involves a sex change?), so please do all
your possible best to send down just only $50 dollars to me today and you will the hand work of god in me.
Thank you and god bless you. Harrison.
Hairy, I have received your sensational letter today and I
have almost deficated myself with delight upon reading it. Please send my love and salivary juices to your family.
Today I am going to go into a prayer circle with my brothers in the church. This is a very holy
and sacred Mormon ceremony in which we first smoke of the cannabis plant, then remove all of our clothing, gather in a circle
holding hands and pray to god. Then god will give us the answer about you. Please do not fear Harri
for god will tell us the truth and tell us what to do to you. I will write back with the amazing
results of this prayer circle, right after this message from our sponsorers. Love, Donny and the Missionary
Brothers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Harri, Please don't be angry with me. Please forgive
me for any stupid things that I said or did. I was crazy sick and on drugs when I wrote those things. I
love you. Please write to me to let me know that you are okay. Love, Mummy Marie
Hairy, God has spoken to me. After sitting in the
sweaty naked prayer circle for what felt like days, the missionary brothers and I have decided that we will send you and your
family some money even though you haven't honored our request for a photo. God said it was okay to spend a few
bucks on you, so we're willing to throw $300 your way. If you prove honest and godly, God said we can send you more.
One thing, however, God did tell us that he does not approve of homosexuality outside of the missionaries themselves.
He won't let us give money to homosexuals. So, I need you to swear that you are not a homosexual. Are you, or
are you not a homosexual? If you are not homosexual and can prove it, then we have set aside the
money to send to you. How do you want us to send the $300? Please advise us on the best way to send money
to your country in Canada. Love and Kisses, Donny and the Missionaries
Good day today, I recieved your mail and i am still seeing that
you are still joking with me at at all. But why most you mension such kind of stupid talk in you, That if i am not not an
homosexuals have i did any thing that regards to that to you before or you just pulling my legs. Please brother if you want
to assist me kindly do than asking thing that are not realated to my living ok.
If realy god has spoken to you to send to me that little amount
of money you easilty send it to my name or our residence pastor name pastor felix uzorka and he will pick up the money and
we both will follow go straight to the main town and snap the picture which you have demanded from me and foward it to you
as you have said.
Thank you. I wait to hear your urgent response. Yrs Harrison.
Hairy, I am pleased to hear from you. We can send
the money to you. What is your address? Should I send it FedEx? God does not joke about
homosexuality. It is a sin. God has told us that we are not to give the money to any homosexuals.
You did not tell me if you were or were not a homosexual. Please confirm, one way or another. Since
you have not shown us a picture before we send money, then at least tell us if you are a homosexual or not. This
is an order from God. Brotherly Love, Donny Osmond
Donny Are you seriouse at all with me, for how long will i
be telling you that i am not related to that kind of stupid art, Please i am brought up in a christian home and i have not
hard of such kind of statement before, you are the one trying to bring my knowledge to this. if not i don't know what they
call homosexual ok.
If you want to send the money for me kindly do it than asking
me unecessary things that is not related to my likings.
Thank you. Harrison.
Dear Harrison, Thank God you have finally admitted that you
are not gay. God will not allow his missionaries to associate with men who sleep with other men. So now
we can associate freely with you and share our money. I am so glad that you are not a gay brother.
Even I have had some gay tendencies in the past, but the Mormon church has cured me of that. So
how shall we send this money to you? FedEx, UPS, DHL? What kind of delivery services do you have there
in Canada? Send your address and preferred shipping service and we'll bundle up a care package to send your way.
You should have it in just a few days. Send our love to your family and let them know that Donny Osmond and the
Mormon Missionaries are sending help. With Godly and Manly Love, Donny
(A Kinky Card is sent to Harri
from Marie on 10/23)

Courtesy of KinkyCards.Com |
Mummy Marie
Donny Thank you very much for all your trick towards me, Your
missionaries want to send to every with without seeing the money. see donny i thought that you are a man of god , but your
mail to me right from the beiginging has making me to know that you are not whom you said you are. So please better you stop
writing me so that i will think forward to my living.
If really you want to send me money i have to go to the DHL AND
FEDEX before sending me that little tokin? I believe there is nothing like western union your country, Please brother if you
want to do the work of god as you have said kindly do it than waisting our time in writing mail that will not produce any
good fruit in us. I have given to you my name and our residence pastors name to send the money through western union and you
are still telling that i should send to you my address. You have my address right from the begging, so don't have to tell
me that i should to you my address again.
Thanks Donny for all your good effort toward me. Harrison.
Dear Harold, I received your very rude e-mail today.
After all that I have gone through with the missionaries to obtain money in your name. After all the prayers that I
have made to God to have him accept you without giving us a picture or passport. After all the good things that
I have said to others about you. Then you slap me in face? What is this about? Do you have some
unresolved anger that you need to talk to God about? Harry, I am a man of God like yourself. I believe
in God, do you? If you say that you are not gay, then why are you keep questioning me like you do? Okay,
I looked back at e-mail and you did tell me about Pastor Felix Uzorka, but you didn't tell me in what town, you idiot.
I have no idea where to send it. And how am I supposed to know that you want it sent through Western Onion?
Was I supposed to read your mind. Maybe you are ill and not thinking to clearly. If that is the case,
I understand. If you are just being stupid or rude, you owe me an apology. So, tell me what town
and what country that you and Pastor Felix Uzorka live in and I'll send it through the Western Onion. But unless you
can be polite and godly, the deal is off. Please do not insult me again. I am trying to be generous
and hetrosexual toward you. With The Love of All God's Saints, Donald K. Osmond
Donny. In short i can just understand you because you have
wrote to mail that are not supose to be writen to me that is why i use that kind of language to you in my mail.
You are asking of what country did i can from , i believe that
you might have known were we are residing for now just like as i have told you before, if through that you did not know were
i can from, we are from seria leone and we are now residing in one of the village in abidjan cote d' ivoire that is were we
are now for the moment. So your mind tell you to send to mle the money you can send it through the pastors name and i will
go straight him to the western union and get the money and i will snap this picture and send to you.
Thank you. Harrison
Heary, I still think that you are a snot nosed spoiled brat.
Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders? You are not showing me proper respect. You need
to address me in a polite and civilized manner, just as I address you. You do not seem to have the word of God in you.
I still suspect that you may be one of the homosexual group. However, we had a deal and a deal is
something that I intend to keep. I will teach you a little sumthin about honor and respect young man. We
have promised the goof people of Utah that we will give their charity money to a needy family in Canada and so I will send
that money to you and your family even though you say you don't live in Canada anymore. Tomorrow
I will go to Western Union. I will send the information to you by e-mail once I have completed the transaction.
Booga da Booga, Donny Osmond
Harry, The Mormon missionary brothers and I have sent you
a money transfer by Western Onion. Here is the information that you need to know: 1.Sent to - Harrison
Kabba 2.Amount sent - $300 3. Western Union control number 3612512920 4.Test question - "Where do you find
a dog with no legs?" 5. Answer - "Right where you left him."
Harry, I hope that this finally makes you happy. Please
understand that I have prayed to God above that you are not gay and do not enjoy the sin of lying with another man.
If you are hetrosexual, and enjoy the pleasures of a woman, then God will reward you 1000 fold of this small amount of money
that I am sending you. I am talking some big bucks man! God will make you rich. If you are not hetrosexual,
God will strike you down with the AIDS sickness. So, send me a picture showing that you are a man
of God and we will send you the rest of the $3000 that we have raised in your poor name. Please hurry before we
head to Vegas and hit the roulette tables. Right now the brothers and I are going to relax in the sauna, give
each other massages and wait for your reply. XOXOXOXO, Donny
Well? My mummy told me that it's always polite to
say thank you when someone gives you something. Donny
(We may have finally lost Harri, but Mummy Marie gives one last
appeal to try and bring him back)
Harri My Love, How are you? I know that you are
still mad at me. But that's okay. I just hope that you realize that it wasn't me that was lying to
you. It was my husband, Donny. He is a very bad man and I have left him so that I can live with Shaq now.
I have always been honest and in love with you. I have always wanted to help you and try to get you to American
where we can all live together in love and peace and harmony. Please take good care of yourself and your family.
Write to me and Shaq sometime and let us know how you are doing and how we can help you. Love, Mummy
(He's sending "goid" after us!. Oh, noooo!)
Donny In short i don't know what to tell you , but is only
goid that will pay you for all your deeds
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 16:04:53 +0000 From: Subject: My God will surely put shame on you even is not today
, but keep watching and you will see it believe me i said it and nothing will change it To: "Donny Osmond" <>
Doony or what ever you called yourself you are a full at
think you can put me into problem with the western union people , but my god i save will never allowered such a thing to happen
to me because i reliered all my hope and believe with god. i new right from you mail at the begging that you are just a joker
and nothing but an ashole.My God will surely put shame on you even is not today , but keep watching and you will see it believe
me i said it and nothing will change it.
Thank you my god will pay you back what you done to me in future.
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 20:23:27 -0700 (PDT) From: "Donny Osmond"
<> Subject: Re: My God will surely put shame on you even is not
today , but keep watching and you will see it believe me i said it and nothing will change it To:
Hairy, What in the hell are you talking about? Have you
gone mad? Was there a problem with the Western Onion transfer? I'm sure that God is on both of our
sides and he will help us both to figure this problem out. Satan may be interfering with our relationship. If
so, we must conqure him. Love of God, Doony
Hari, What is wrong brother? I do not understand.
Did you, or did you not, get my Western Onion money transfer? If I made some sort of mistake, I apologize.
Western Onion is not something I do everyday, so I made have made some error in the procedure. Please, if I did make
a mistake, correct me now, chastise me, whip me brutally and without remorse. Love, Your Brother in God Donny
Donny. Good morning to you today, i recieved yourv mail and
i most have to let you know that this is the second time you have said that you send me western union and i have not seen
anything like western unio money transfer regards to the reffrence numbers you gave to me and the question and answer, brother
please if you know that you are not for my assistance is better you let me know than waisting my time to do other things.
The western union you send to me, i went to the office to meet
with the manager of the western union to comfirm the number and he came back and tell me that the numbers are not correct
again, Look donny i am not a baby neither a sencless person. You said that you are a man of god but all the mail that you
have been writing me did not make me to believe you that you are man of god at all, Every time you keep on writing me mail
that is not decerverd to writen me asking me al such kind of question that are not related to my life living. I now you just
want me to enter into problem with the western union , but my god will not allowered it to happen to me because i have faith
in him and he will not allowered shame to come to me also.
Mind you that this is the second time of your fake western union
reffrence numbers that you might have send with out no in come.
Thank you.
Note; If realy you send the money on which name and who is the
sender, becasue your question and answere say's where did you find a dog with not legs why the answere say's on the right
place you left him, Look donny we are not more kinds is just because of the condition of today ok.
Brother Henry, May Goid's good graces be with you. I'm use that
he will take care of us. I still do not understand what happened at Western Onion. But I may have
made a mistake. If I did, I apologize and will do anything to make it up to you. I tried to follow the instructions
that the man gave me, but it was all so fast and confusing. I just wrote down what he told me to do. I didn't
have a question so I just used my best old dog joke. He said that would work. He said, just to have you
tell them who it was from and answer the question. He said you might have to give them some identification too.
I'll give you the information one more time, just in case I got something wrong. 1.Sent
to - Harrison Kabba 2.From - Donald K. Osmond 3.Amount sent - $300 4. Western Union control number 3612512920 (I changed the dog joke question, just to see if he would notice and maybe try it again) 5.Test question
- "What do you call a dog with no legs?" 6. Answer - "It doesn't matter he won't come anyway" Your Brother
in Goid, Donny
So, what's the plan man? Donny
Hey Brother Harri Dude, Howz it going with the old 419 scam?
Find any new Mugus to screw? Well I hope so. I've got a few mugus with a little scam that I have going here.
I'm pretending to be Timmy the 9 year old boy dying from AIDS and people are sending me money. You wouldn't believe
how gullible these stupid people are. I'm going to quit my day job soon. This is much better than honest work!
Brother, do you have any e-mail scam tips that you could share with me? Like what do you think is the best way to get
access to their bank account number or better yet, how to get their credit card number? This is so much fun and
excitement, I could wet my own pants! Harri, as brothers I feel that we are closer than ever now that we're in
the same line of work. Stay in touch and stay out of jail! Brother Donny
Harry My Son, I wanted to let you know how I am doing.
I am so sorry that you haven't returned any of my e-mails, but I understand that you may be mad at me. But I still
love you very much. Even though I have five boys, you are like one of my own sons. I think about you and
your family all the time and the good times that we have had together. I have now left Shaq after a nasty
incident in which he bent some girl over a chair in a Denver hotel and then had his way with her. It was all over the
papers and news and she wanted to sue him and everything. He bought me a dimond ring, but I just couldn't handle
it any more so I left. So, I'm back with Donny. He told me that he was trying to raise some
money through our LDS church for you. Did he ever get the money to you? If he didn't I wouldn't be surprised.
He may be good in bed, but he's about as smart as a box of rocks. That's it for now my little boy. Mummy
No reply, so it's time we say goodbye to the famous
little Nigerian scammer named Harri!
Harri, Goodbye you little peice of crap. I hope that
we wasted a whole bunch of your time and got you in trouble with the Western Union and maybe even arrested for fraud.
Because that is what you are, a fraud. You live by a fraud and you get a fraud. Donny and Marie
Osmond are committed to the elimination of frauds like you, who do the old 419 scam. What we and a whole bunch of other
people do is play along with your game and waste your time and efforts. Come see our website Harri please get a life and an honest job.
If you believe in God like you say you do, then do something good and right for your family and your people. Love
and Kisses, Donny and Marie Osmond
Goodbye Harri, you little peice of crap!