Dear Marie,
Why don't you leave me alone.
You are not faitful to your self, you know's quite well that the
information you gave me concerning the money you sent is fake, can't you respect your self and let me be.
Franky, Dahling, what are you talking about? I
sent the money I promised and I have a receipt. I told you that I went to the Western Onion, the discount money transfer
service at Walmart. I really hope that you didn't go to Western Union, because they cost me a lot more
for money transfers than Western Onion. Maybe you don't have a Western Onion in your town? I just
assumed that you did. Tell me what to do honey. I am so sorry if there was confusion. I thought I
was very clear with you. Marie P.S. I have an infection from the "Franky Kone"
tatoo on my butt and I can't sit for very long. It has green and yellow puss coming from it.
Dear Marie,
I know you are just joking, tell me, how many time's have you
done it.
Stay away from me and get your self busy with someone ealse please.
Franky, What are you saying? Why are you being so mean
to me now? What happened to the love and the understanding that you had for me? I have been crying and drinking
since I read your e-mail. If you leave me I don't know what I will do. Maybe I'll drown my sorrows in booze
and pills. Instead maybe I will go find another boyfriend. I can find other men very easily you know.
I don't have to just stay faithful to you like I have. Every night at my dancing job I get offers and I always say
no because I have a boyfriend named Frank Kone. It is because of you that I have missed dating all the handsome
and rich men here in Ogden. Do you know how much I have sacrificed for you honey? What do you want
from me Franky? Please just tell me. You are driving me crazy with your wild demands and constant changing
your mind. Your crazy get rich quick scheme. I never believed it anyway. I think that
you are the liar Franky! Saying that you are an orphan and everything. My brother Donny and I are the real
orphans. But at least we have each other. What is wrong with you Franky. You have a
chance to marry one of the most beautiful and talented women in all of Utah. Why would you throw that away you
crazy man? What is wrong with your head? Did your mamma drop you on your head when you were a baby?
Maybe we can start over Franky. I am sorry for anything that I did that was stupid that caused you any
problems. I am not very smart. I only finished the 8th grade before I started working. So, I
make mistakes in reading and math and that sort of thing. But I have a good heart! And I am pretty funny
sometimes too! So, please forgive my faults because you would want someone to do the same for you.
Think about it please. I am here for you when you are ready. Love and Forgiveness, Marie
Kone, What have you done to my little girl, you big stupid
goon. She has been drunk and crying for two days now. I suppose you feel good about that? I may not
have found you yet, but my tugs are still looking and when we do, you are going to pay for what you've done. Mark my
words. Shaq

The Infected Tattoo |
Franky, Okay you pig, I'm gone. I've got an infection
from trying to scratch off your damned tattoo. I took a picture of my butt to send to you as a final gift.
Enjoy. This is the butt that you could have had with your own name on it. Tomorrow is
my last day on this earth. First I'll get drunk. Then I'll take of my clothes and drive to the bank. I'll
go up calmly to the bank teller, show her my gun and and tell her that I am robbing the bank. The bank guards
and customers will be dazzled at my magnificent boobs and butt. I will hold up my gun and tell them to do as I say and
no one will get hurt. I'm going to take about $10,000. The manager will pull the alarm. Then
I calmly walk out of the bank to meet the police. I will point my gun at the first policeman who sees me. Then
all the police will shoot me and I will go down in a blaze of naked glory with dollar bills flying everywhere.
Later in the day my pictures and the video will be all over the local and national news. I will be famous in my
death. I have left my family a letter explaining everything about you and how you dumped me like a piece of trash.
This is it Franky. If I can't have you, I can't live. Goodbye to you my love.
We could have been something. Marie
Franky Honey, Franky I am ashamed of myself for the way that
I have been. I still want to be in love with you and to do business with you. My life has not been good
since I last e-mailed you. I have been in a psychiatric hospital called Utah Psychiatric Institute (UPI).
After I tried to rob a bank with no clothes on me, the police arrested me and handcuffed me. Then they took me to this
hospital and where they put me in a straightjacket and threw me in a padded room, so I wouldn't hurt myself I guess.
I remember they shot me up with all kinds of drugs that made my head spin around. I think that several of the
guards, both male and female, had their way with me when I was drugged up but I can't prove it. They sent head doctors
in to interview me. When I told them why I was trying to rob the bank, they told me that I was crazy. They
said that I was imagining all about you and your father's wealth and the fact that we were engaged to be married.
They said that I just made all that stuff up in my head. So, I was in there about a week before
they released me today. They gave me a bunch of drugs to take at home. They said if I didn't take
them I would end up in the hospital again. But the first thing that I wanted to do was to e-mail you to prove
to myself and to them that you are real. That you are not just my imagination. Please honey, please tell
me that you are real and that we still have love and business together. If I said anything or did anything that
might have upset you in the past, I am very very sorry. Maybe I am a little bit crazy. But not so crazy
as to know that I LOVE U! Love and Thorazine, Marie
(I'm not sure what he is trying to say, but it sounds like he
is still with Marie)
Dear Marie,
Sorry for everything that happend to U.
I am oa with you rigth.
Franky, Thank you for the kind words and the support over all
these months. I am so fortunate to have a man like you in my life. You are a man who is brave and a man who is
wise. You are the man that I want to marry and live the rest of my life with. What can I do to make
up for all the crazy things that I have done. I am sorry that I got confused on the money order. I am sorry
for tattooing your name on my butt. I am sorry for not believing that you were an orphan and that you had lots
of money. I found out that I have a condition called bipolar disorder and also a histrionic personality
disorder. Now I am on medication called Lithium and I feel much better. Can you tell a difference? Love
and Psychoanalysis, Marie
Marie, Hold your money and leave me alone. I'm
not the man for u ok. Frank.
Franky, I don't understand. I thought that we had something
together! I am not sexy enough for you! Are my boobs too small? Is my butt too flat?
What is it that you don't like about me. Don't you like sexy American women? I hope that you are not gay.
Are you gay? Yes, I have money but I wasn't really planning on spending it on you anyway. You were the
one that was supposed to give me, give me money and honor and respect me as your woman. A good man always takes care
of his woman. What kind of man are you? Are you not able to please your woman. Are you impotent or something? Love
and Erectile Dysfunction, Marie
(After Marie questions his manhood he comes around!)
Your message have touched me a lot.
How I wish I can set my eyes on you I would have loved to prove
to you that I am a man enough.
But you have everything in your hands, if you can send the money
everything will be the way you want it, but you refused.
Babe, if you can come and see me here, pease do it, I still love
you I swear.
God bless you,
Franky Honey, Cod bless you. I am still very sad
and confused but the medicine seems to be helping. Do you still love me? You have such a big heart and
thank you for forgiving me for the things that I did while I was crazy in the head. If you love me then
I am willing to fly over there and see you. Then I will unleash my secret love powers on you that I've been waiting
to do all this time. Trust me, you have never been with a woman like me. I need some information
about this. Where do I fly to? How will I find you? Where should I stay? Love and Lithium, Marie
Kone, Congratulations you little puke. You've been able
to avoid my tugs so far, so I'm calling them off. I give up. You win. You are good at hiding. I'll
give you credit for that. I thought my tugs could find you and beat you up but they said that you hide your identity
as someone else and that you were impossible to find. Well anyway, I wanted to say thank you because it looks
like you dumped Marie finally. She's been going boo hoo all week long about you. I'm telling you that she
is one crazy woman that you do not want to get involved with. You are a smart man Kone. I'd like
to have guy like you working for my organization. I hope that someday we can be friends and maybe
do business together. So, no hard feelings, hey! Barrister Shaquille O'Neil
Call me first on 0022507716816, I want to hear your voice before
telling anyother thing. Thanks, Frank.
Franky, Honey, I can't call long distance on my phone but I
went to Uncle Shaq's house and tried to call you several times. The phone was busy, so I couldn't get through. Please
honey call me at work (801) 463-0800 or (801) 463-0909 (Pussycats Night Club in Salt Lake City) Thanks
babycakes. Hey Franky, I've sent many pictures and I just thought it would be nice if you would send me a picture of
you. What do you say love? All My Excrement To You, Marie
Continue trying untill you get through.
Kone, Stay away from my niece.
I thought that we had an understanding. I won't kill you if you stay away from Marie. DO YOU UNDERSTAND OR DO
I HAVE TO SEND MY TUGS BACK OVER THERE! I caught her trying to sneak a long distance call to you from my phone.
She tried to lie to me and say that she was just calling a boyfriend. But I smacked her around by pulling her ears and
her hair until she told me the truth. The little tramp. She just can't stay away can she. Just like a dog
eats it's own vomit. Shaq
Fraknky Honey, have bene trying to call you all day.
don't have a long distnace ophone in my house so went to Uncle Shaqs place. He saw me trying to call on hi s phone and
he got really mad at me. I told him I was calling you and he beat me up. I have bruises to prove it and he pulled
some of my hair out. I wish you were here to project me. Would you project me from Uncle Shaq??? So,
I'm a gonna keep trying to call you honey. I'm just getting al little drunk right now. I'm loenly
and need myself a man. I ain't got no man honey. I need a man like you dammit! Love
and Margarettas, Marie Honey
(This is it, I'm going to grind this thing down to a halt)
Kone, I am sick and tired of trying to call you. I tried
again and the phone was busy. Is this some kind of joke? I am done playing your games. I need a real
man! I have met someone at my work at the Pussycats nightclub. His name is Brad Pitt. He is
tall and handsome and rich. And he's white. Brad told me that he would protect me from
both you and Uncle Shaq. So leave me alone you sick orphan bastard. I don't need your
money and I don't need your games. I'm sorry that I ever sent you e-mails and that I said "I Love You". I didn't
really mean it. I'm sorry that I sent you pictures. I am really not sexy, I am fat and ugly. So don't think
of me please. Goodbye Orphan. Now I'm abandoning you too. Marie
Just to make your day, I am sending you a picture of me with my
new boyfriend, Brad Pitt.

Brad and Gun Toting Angelina Jolie |
Goodbye you fool!
Franky, I am so mad at you. You did not even try to fight
for me when Brad Pitt took me away. Are you a man or a boy? You just walked away in fear, like you wet your
pants or something. You won't even talk to me. I do think that you are still a little boy. Brad Pitt is
all man and he's all mine. He has been ten times the lover to me than you ever were. So, there. Have a good
life, little orphan boy. Marie Osmond
Please Franky. Forgive me. Give me one more chance!!!!!
Please!!!!!! I'm sorry if I upset you. I'll break up with Brad Pitt for you. I just want
us to be together and be happy again. If you don't respond, I feel like I am going to do something bad to myself.

Marie's Farewell Note to the Orphan Franky Kone |
(The Goof takes a twist when a nice young man named Scott forwards
us an e-mail from Marriam Kone, who claims to be the mother of the orphan Frank Kone. We can't resist tagging this on
even if Franky isn't playing any more.)
----- Original Message ----- From: marriam kone To: scott
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:17 AM Subject: Thanks for you response please reconfirm your willingness to assist
My Dearest brother, Thank you for your email for reference
to my mails to you and i have been wondering what was going to be your reactions to my mail but you have shown how godly and
religious you are going to be and i want to reconfirmed to you that your goodwill shall never create any problems for you
but rather this is going to be for the mutual benefit of the both of us. There is one thing i would like you
to understand you may have skeptical feeling about this but the truth is that this is legitimate,risk free and reality of
the whole truth.
However,been a strenger does not really matters in this
situation but rather i needed a trustwothy person whom i can really called a brother and i am hoping that soonest you
will allowed me and my son into your families as a members of your families and i am hoping that as soon as the consignment
is out of here into your country, then me and my son will join you in your country for investment while my son will continue
his education. Now,i will be waiting to read from you,yet receiving your pic,your telephone and on receiving
this informations asked you,i will then furnished you with the contact of the security company for you to contact them
and make request for the release of the consignment based on my initial request i have earlier made to security
company and including the document i have submitted to the security company and please informed that it
is very obvious that we are going to do things legally and note that once the security company request or are asking
for some legal documents,then be too sure it is good thing for us and now,this is the areas i needed your kind assistance
much. Please,untill i read from you and hoping that my son,Frank will be happy to join you and start a
school there in your country and we make a happy and joyous families. Thank you and may God bless and protect
you.i prayed. Untill i read from you,have a wonderful day. i remain in his loving arms. Sincerely
yours, Mrs marriam kone.
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 06:49:30 -0700 (PDT) From: "Marie Osmond"
<> Subject: Re: Fw: Thanks for you response please reconfirm
your willingness to assist me. To:
Franky, My friend said that your mamma is sending him e-mails.
I thought that you said you were an orphan. What's up with that honey? With Smooches, Marie Osmond
Dear marie osmond, Thanks a lot for your mail ,and can you
please explain to me what you realy talking about by nigeria scame because i dont know what you mean by honey or even the
web site .So please dear osmon i dont know you is only your friend Mr scott i know but now you are sending a mail
to my son frank in which i dosn't understand both you and your friend of which i need his assistance for this transaction
. And the way i observe you and your friend , my spirit let me understand that is not a seriouse somebody who
will help me out of this predicament , and finally i have no time to waist any longer due to the political crisise here in
the country ,then tel your friend that if it is still in possition or intrested to assiste me in this transaction he
forward his rediness and sincerity to me.thanks and have a nice day . Thank you and may God bless you. Untill
i read from you, Sincerely yours, Mrs marriam kone.
Dear Marriam, Cod bless you. I have met your son Frank.
He lied to me and said he was an orphan. Didn't even mention you. At first he was very kind to me and we fell
in love with each other because I am an orphan too. He promised to take care of me and come to America and live with
me. He was going to share some of the Kone family money with me. I even gave him sexy pictures of myself and then
he said he would marry me. Now Franky won't talk to me anymore. I guess he's found someone else to chat
with on the Internet and he has just tossed me aside like a big old used tissue.
How can you have raised a son like this, who lies to women, uses them for their love and their money.
I tried to give Franky some of my money but he wasn't smart enough to pick it up. I keep a blog or Internet diary
on our love affair Anyway Marriam, I'm sure you are a nice lady.
My friend Scott said that you seemed like a very nice and honest old lady. But please talk to your son. His e-mail
address is Tell him that he needs to be honest to his girlfriends
like me. If he really loves me, he will e-mail me. I would love to have you as my mother in law Marriam! Love
and Kisses, Marie Osmond
Dear Marie Osmond, Good day to you,as a woman you will agreed
with me that some of our children are very stubborn, I so much appreciate you for taking your time and explain this whole
issue to me all this while frank left home and did not even let me know what was going on though some time i suspected him
to have been communicating internationally could you beleive that with all this money you have been sending to him frank was
not humanly enough to buy even food in the house we have been surffering hunger because we lack cash presently.neither talking
about breaking some one heart that is in love with him,please i want you to understand that frank is not all that expose failling
in love he is a local boy and did not even study enough the reason why he can not know what it take's or what it means by
loving somebody or promising some one love. Coming to the point i want to beleived that your friend scott might
have explained our present condition to you,because i contacted him to help us retrived our trunk box containing some cash
which is presently in the vault of a security organisation waiting to be shipment under diplomatic courrier mission call diplomatic
shipment,i beleived he contacted the company because i tried to contact the company and know if he has getting intouch with
the company the company told me that actually he contacted them and that they have giving him the instruction on what to do
so that they can shipp the box to him,but it seemed that the company requested him to pay what they called administrative
processing fee of 300 euro to enable them legalise every previous documentation that was in my name to his name to enable
him claim the box when it arrive to his country,similar thing scott suddenly excommunicate me maybe because he was told to
pay 300 euro i don't know but the fact is that i have paid the major expenses like demurrage safe keeping charges and the
shipment fee only that i was not told about this administrative processing fee i would have also pay because i was having
money then. This is where we are please i don't know if you can be of help to me or plead scott to please help
me i am helpless at this point in time i really need help from you people this 300 euro is not compare to the 14.5million
we have in the box i am very sorrowfull that 300 euro should embalase me this way to the extend of bring delay into this transaction
if i was told that one day 300 euro with have been an hero to a woman of my caliber i wouldn't have beleived it it is very
painfull i most confess. Please dear daugther help your mum please i need your help. God bless nd
help me to convience frank as you engage in helping me out of this predicament. Sincerely Your's, Mrs.Marriam.
Mum Marriam, Thank you for your beautiful letter. You
are such a nice lady unlike your son Franky. I will help you out with 500 euro but only if you have Franky e-mail me
again and apologize for all the bad things that he's done to me. Franky should pay my money back and give me damages
for pain and suffering since he called off our wedding. My boss is Scot, who is the president of an International
Recording company and he is loaded with millions of Euros. He is so rich that he uses Euros for toilet paper.
I'll ask him if he approves of this deal. Love, Marie Osmond
Marriam, Did Franky say anything to you? Is he still
mad at me? I still want to be your daughter in law even if Franky says that he is an orphan. Love, Marie
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 10:11:30 -0700 (PDT) From: "marriam
kone" <> Subject: please leave my son alone and if you want help me
tel me or eles you can go To: "Marie Osmond" <>
Dear Marie Osmond , Thank you for mail in refrence and
also your explanation about my son frank concerning your relationship him. But unfortunatly i ask my son deeply
about you because he is a little boy of seventeen years and he dos't know anythin about love that is why i was surprise for
yhe first time of your letter. then frank told me that he don't know you and i show him your picture and your last mail
he said that he dont know anything about you even the money you are talking about he was anoy with me concerning your mail
. Again when i go througth the web site i sicovered that the seraleon document and the document from the
bank together with the pasport photograph that is on the document is not my son , and i still saw alot of things concerning
nigerian scam or what ever which i dont know . So Marie Osmond please for God sake we don't know you and stop
teling lice (the kid has lice!) again my son or adding more problem for us ,me and my son we don't
even have where to if not the help of my church member befor we have a residence to stay ,and the country save for me and
my son . Finally please go and look for your lover franky because we dont know who is franky and if you can help
us for the sake of God for anything have for us to feed ourself then God can bless you for that .
Dear Mum, How are you. Thank you for your letter.
I do not understand about Franky. He said that he was 27 in the e-mails that he sent me, not 17 years old.
But that's okay. I still think he's sexy and I'm willing to marry him if he still wants to marry me.
I will stop telling lice about Franky if he will just e-mail me
again and tell me that he's sorry. Love and Lice, Marie
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 23:10:58 -0700 (PDT) From: "Marie Osmond"
<> Subject: Re: please leave my son alone and if you want help
me tel me or eles you can go To: "marriam kone" <>
Marriam, Your boy Franky may only be 17 years but he is a real
pervert. Did you read some of the things he said about my body? Marie
(One Last, One Last Try!)
Franky, Please forgive me. I am all done being crazy.
I am on medication now. I am no longer acting stupid and talking nonsense. Please come home to me honey.
Please call me at work honey and let's talk it over. Call me at (801) 463-0800 (Pussycats Strip
Club in Utah). This is my work phone so if one of the other girls answers, just ask
for Marie Osmond. I LOVE U. Blah de blah de blah, Marie
Dear Marie,
You have my number with you, so if you care call me, if don't
forget it ok.

Angelina Jolie Posing as a Drunk Marie |
Franky, You can be mad at me all that you want, but I still
LOVE U FRANKY KONE! Do you like my hair? I dyed it blonde. Blondes have more fun you know. I
can make all your S&M fantasies come true, Marie
Marie Osmond, I have told you to stop sending me all this
mail but you still insiste in whriting me all this meanless story. The assistance i requested from your friend
scott uptill now i don't know hear anything from him, he just stop whriting me and you again have not even talk about the
help i reqire from you ,the litle amount of money for me to solf some problem which is very important to do befor ending of
this month. Finally i am warning you for God sake to stop all this fake news agains my son because he is
innocent about all what you are talking about , so please stop lying so that God will forgive you and it is a sin befor God.God
allmighty know that my son frank is not the franky you are talking about and all the document and photo show that is
not my son. And if it is in your mine to help me in this my present situation just comeout openly and tel me then
i will show you what to do wich will be for a motual benefit of both of us since your friend scott passons dose not seriouse
and he is not a truthful some bodyfor not giving me all the information concerning what i hard with him. Thanks
Best regard, Mrs marriam.
Marriam, So nice to hear from you again. You are so sweet
and you would make a great mother-in-law. I am still in love with Franky. Don't you understand that?
I just want to have wild monkey sex with him. You are welcome to join in or just watch if you would like. Anyway,
I am willing to help out in any way that I can. Please give me details on how I could be of greatest assistance to you.
If I help you, you must agree to let me have my way with Franky. Is that fair? Your Future Daughter-In-Law, Marie
Marie Osmond, Why do you always talk about sex
every time,and you are not even asheme to tell me that you want to have monkey sex with my , infact i think that you are a
responsible girl or you have God fearing in you which my son can stay with or is that because i want you to help me ? , or
i open up to you been that introduce you to me ? . Please if you want to do some thing with my son or you
want my frank to bee your lover or husban just help me with 300euro to setle some problem that is giving me sleepless
nigth. And also give me your contact adress like telephon number,home adress ,and also have in mine that you most
come down here in cote d' ivoire for me to see you face to face befor befor anything happen. finally without
sending me this money i will never respond to your mail again. Thanks and waiting to hear from you, Mrs
Marriam, Cod bless you. Thank you for your lovely response. Yes,
I accept your offer. If you are willing to sell your boy Franky to me for $300 Euros, I will accept him as my personal
love slave. How would you like me to send the money? Here is my contact info: Marie Osmond 555
Elm St Apt #5 Ogden UT 84407 Ph (801) 463-0800 or (801) 463-0909 (Pussycats Night Club) Luv
Ya Mum, Marie
Dear Marie Osmond, Thank you for your possitive respond
and your williness to help me out of my predicament ,i also thank you for your contacts information you send to me which is
proving your rediness and trust about the business transaction i have at hand now with your friend Mr scott passons
befor i know you .But being that is not seriouse and he dos't not follow my instruction ,that is why i desided open up to
you . In which i belive that may be he explain it to you about my business transaction whivh i want
him to help me and clear my consignment from the security company here in abidjan Cote'd Ivoire that was deposited by my late
husban befor he die. So please want you again to send me your ID CARD that bear your passport photograhp so that
i will know you better and the person i entrust with whelth and the feture of my son .then will now explain and forwarding
all the information concerning this transaction for you to understand what i want you to, and is because of this transaction
i requested this three hundred euro 300euro to settle the security company for shipment fee i alredy paid for all other
charges. Moreso, dear durgther i don't sell my son for 300euro and i dont force you is just a help in which you
wil gain at last if follow my instruction ,because i don't want to continue with your friend again due to the way he treated
,some time he will contact the security company and he will not tell me the uot come of his discusion with
company .All this things made me to be afraid and discurage about him. Finally ,please my dear durgther
use this name to send me the money througth western union transfer . Name; jerrycooper Adress;
abidjan, Cote'd ivoire Thanks and may God bless you as you promise, and waiting for your sooness reply Best
regard, Mrs marriam kone .

Marie the Chef |
Dear Mother Marriam, Thank you for your reply.
I don't know why Scot is not helping you. Doesn't he understand what a predicament that you are in? He has
plenty of money. I mean he uses $100 dollar bills to blow his nose in. So, do not let him kid you that he isn't
able to help out. He spends more on renting porn movies in a week than what you make all year! As
far as your proposal to sell your son to me for 300 Euros, I am glad that you are okay with this. I was thinking that
it was a little weird, selling your own son and all but if you need the cash that bad, I understand. So, I am
sending my drivers license from the state of Utah for you to show Franky. Ask him if he thinks that I am attractive.
Because, afterall we will be married soon. I am looking forward to that day. I have not had a date
since the Girls Ask Boys dance in the 7th grade when I asked Brad Pitt to be my date. He accepted but then dumped
me the next week for that tramp, Angelina Jolie. Anywho, let me know what I can do to help you and
Franky out of your pathetically sickening, dark and desperate situation. One can only imagine the horrors that
you have seen. I am your daughter-in-law to be and forever loyal to you and to Franky. Marie

Marie Praying For Franky to Come Back to Her |
Franky, I have been trying to call you all week but your phone
is either busy or no one answers. What is the problem? I still want to be with you. I am no
longer crazy like I was. I have medications now and stayed in the hospital for awhile to get my head together.
Do I look better now? I think that I am just as hot as ever! I am sending you a picture of
me praying for you to come back to me. Love Ya Honey, Marie

Marie's Last Swim In Uncle Shaq's Pool |
(Marie meets a tragic, yet semi-comical ending)
Friends and Relatives, I regret to inform you that Ms. Marie
Osmond passed away on Sunday, the 22nd of May at my home while visiting. She died of what appears to be a self inflicted
drowning. Attached is the last picture taken of her for your to remember her by. Shaq Obituary - Salt Lake City Tribune May 24, 2005 Marie
Osmond passed away in a tragic pool accident on Sunday May 22, 2005. Thank you to all of you who love and supported
Marie for all these years. Yes, she was a little crazy sometimes, but we all learned to love her in spite of her manic
behavior. Marie and her brother Donny, were abandoned by their parents and left as orphans when Marie was only 3 years
old. For awhile the two traveled with the circus and performed an act called "The Donny and Marie Show," singing such
songs as "She's a Little Bit Country and I'm a Little Bit Rock and Roll" and "Paper Roses". When Marie was 10
years old her famous uncle, Shaquille O'Neil adopted the two siblings and raised them up, taught them hip hop values, showed
them bling bling and gave them a taste of the lifestyle of a rich and famous NBA player. Marie always loved her uncle
"Shaq". While Donny went on to become a sanitation engineer in local recording studios, Marie dropped
out of school early to pursue her lifelong ambition of become an erotic dancer. Marie was well known and respected
in the local Utah adult nightclub circuit. She invented and perfected her signature "double reverse melons on a platter"
dance move. In 1998 Marie underwent breast augmentation surgery and went from 32 C cup to 36 DD. After that
and a few strategically placed tatoos her dancing career really took off. At the time of her unfortunate
death, Marie had announced to many close friends and family that she was engaged to be married to a gentleman in Cote d'Ivore
with whom she had developed a long distance e-mail relationship. She was looking forward to settling down, quiting
the dancing business and raising a family. Marie leaves behind her brother, Donny Osmond of Ogden, Utah, her
beloved uncle Shaquille O'Neil, of Miami Florida and her pet gerbil, Rascals and her special friend, Frank Kone of Abidijan,
Cote d'Ivore. The family recommends in lieu of flowers please send cash donations in Marie's name to her former
place of employment which will be used to establish a memorial dance pole: "American Bush Incorporated"
2630 S 300 W South Salt Lake, UT 84115 (801) 467-0700
(Goodbye to Franky the Orphan. We got no response and no further correspondence from Franky
but somehow we're sure that he will always have a soft spot in his heart for his drunken love monkey, Marie)