Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:47:03 -0800 From: Subject: BIG TERM RELATIONSHIP,I NEED YOUR RESPONSE
Sweet Princess, Greetings to you and your family. How is the weather?
What a joy it is to receive an e-mail from you. I have helped many a fair maiden in my days as a popular rock star and
singer. You sound like you could use a man like me? Please send me a picture and I will consider what I
might be able to with you for business. With Sincerely Love and Gratitude, Donny Osmond
Dear Donny Osmond,
Thanks for your mail, i have been receiving treatment at
the hospital, because of my ill health, but thank God that am okay now.I will
attach my picture as you requested, once i receive it from my photographer and am hoping to transact with you, more it will
interest you to know that we have to start the transaction soonest, to enable us finalise it before christmas.
Hoping to read from you, and best regards. PRINCESS
Princess, Great to hear from you. I hope that you are feeling
better. I'm getting my band together and we were thinking of doing a charity concert to raise money to bring you
and your family to the U.S., like "Princess Live Aid". I'm sure that we could raise enough funds to get you, your
kids and your $5 million over here safely. We are tentatively scheduling Princess Live Aid for January 1 in Park
City Utah . We will need some pictures of you to promote it. Maybe some pictures in a hospital bed.
It would be great if you could have a picture taken, holding a sign that says "I Love Donny", just for the fans. That
way they would be more inclined to support our cause. God bless you Princess and wishing that you
are feeling stronger. I do need your permission and full involvement to sponsor this charity concert. Please
let me know if you approve or not. Love and Kisses, Donny Osmond
Dear Donny Osmond, i received your mail,may i say
i told you that the picture i took will be ready any moment from now,pls what you indicated that i should hold a sign post
that says "I Love Donny", according to you is ok, but by me,
the condition am into shouldn't allow me to take it cos am in
the refugee camp and the authority of the refugee may suspect me ,pls do me a favour ok?i can do any other thing you tell
me but taking this picture may expose me,cos people here did not know what am doing,i knew how i write you cos of security
reasons,pls i will like to let you know that this is a secret business betwwen us,but why are you exposing it?i prayed before
i picked your address,which i know that almighty God is on our side,pls i will stop here till i hear from you.
Donny,if possible kindly send me your phone and your picture so
that i may try to phone and watch how you looks like,i shall be happy if i receive all this,and you shall be happy dealing
with me i promise
bye and remain bless, princess harrison.
Princess, Thank you for writing back to me. I've never met a real Princess.
You are a still a Princess right? Anywho, I was just wanting to let you know that I've been thinking of you.
I do want to help you to get out of that refugee camp and come to America. You could stay with me if you want.
I don't have a lot of room but we could try and make it work. Of course, if you're a Princess my place may not
be up to your standards. But I wanted to invite you anyway. So, let me tell you about me. I am 44
years old. I live in Ogden Utah. I am a god believing, church going kind of guy and go to the Mormon church here.
I'm currently working as a sanitation engineer at a music recording studio called OneBadApple. I have a band, called
the Donny Osmond Experience and we tour around Utah. I want to be famous someday, like you. I'm a
pretty good singer and songwriter. I have some kids but I'll tell you more about that later.
My phone number is (801) 582-9089 (This is a payphone inside
a bus terminal on the University of Utah where is always someone waiting on the bench for a bus).
If I'm at work or at church or something, just leave a message. I've been thinking about you and I still want
to hold a "Princess Live Aid" or "Free the Princess" charity concert to raise funds on your behalf. Do I have your permission
to use your name and your story to do this? For the concert, I've written a song about you
and for you. It goes something like this... Refugee (written for real by Tom Petty) We got something we both know it, We don't talk too much about it Ain't no
real big secret, all the same, Somehow we get around it Listen, it don't really matter to me Baby, you believe
what you wanna believe You see, you don't have to live like a refugee Somewhere, somehow, somebody must
have Kicked you around some Tell me why you wanna lay there, Revel in your abandon Honey, it don't
make no difference to me Baby, everybody's had to fight to be free You see, you don't have to live like a refugee
No baby, you don't have to live like a refugee Baby, we ain't the first I'm sure a lot of other lovers
been burned Right now this ain't real to you It's one of those things you got to feel to be true Somewhere,
somehow, somebody must have Kicked you around some Who knows, maybe you were kidnapped, Tied-up, taken away, and
held for ransom Honey, it don't really matter to me Baby, everybody's had to fight to be free You see,
you don't have to live like a refugee No, you don't have to live like a refugee Baby, you don't have to live like
a refugee Do you like it? Do you approve? Stay in touch with me. Love, Donny
Dear my donny May i say thanks very much for your kind words
to me,this is my fist time reading this kind of mail before.your a very reasonable man i have never seen in my life,i never
regret of knowing you, .you sounds so sweet. pls take me like you ok,am a human being like you no matter that
am a princess. your a modell,not model,a tallented model (I'm a model??? Where does she get that.
Okay then, I'm a model). thank God that your a christain just like me,i worship,overcomers
christain gospel church,i will much happy to be with you in america cos of your sincere words to seems that we have
known each other since,my heart is melted,and my mind starts thinking of you,and your always in my thinking.pls i don't need
to waste time in this trasaction cos i have gotten the type of person i have ever looking for,so i want us to finish this
transaction before december,cos am hopping (she must be part frog) to come there soon as permitted
by what i need from you now is your full name, and address, phone and fax ,i have gotten an attorney that will prepare
all the vital documents that will authenticatethe claim of the fund $5m on your name as the new beneficiary of the fund ok,so
relax and feel free about this transaction,by God's grace it shall work free and once my picture is ready i shall
forward it to you.
bye and remain bless,stay coool.
best regards, princess.
Princess Harrison, My contact info below: Donald K. Osmond 555
Elm St Apt 5 Ogden UT 84401 Ph (801) 582-9089
I got no fax
I'm enclosing my picture. Do you think that I'm handsome? Love
and Slobber Kisses, Donny

The Handsome Mug of Donny |
My dear Donny,
Your word gave me joy a lot, and my family started liking you.
Donny, l have made up my mind to transact with you, you are the only one that knows my plans, pls klndly keep it cofidencial,
until every thing is successfully done.Then when I finaly arrived to America, we shall rejoice over it.
Right now, how do you suggest that this money will be transferred
to you.because the miney is till at the security company where my late father deposited it, in the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF COTONOU.,
For me I will like you to understand if we are to finalize this
transaction before Christmas as l earlier planed, that means that you will hire an attorney that will represent you in signing
all the vital documents that will authenticate the claim on your behalf as the new beneficiary of the fund, or you come down
to Africa, to sign the vital documents by your self. Or it will be more faster this way, if we should hire an accredited attorney
with the security company and arrange with him to work out any modalities where it could be possible for the security company
to deliver the consignment to your door-steep (she has no idea how steep my door is) in America,
via your contact address, through a diplomatic courier company. But I think that this way will cost us more money, but I will
looking forward to read from you to know, which way that could be better for you?, and know what your advice will be?.
Am attaching my picture immediately, because l have just received
it from my photographer. After looking at your picture I confirmed that you are very handsome man (yes!)
and am hopping (hop on over baby) to deal with you in a good faith.
Bye and remain bless , l miss you Donny, stay cool.
Thanks, yours Princess.
NB: I will want you to be communicating me through this new e-mail
address, for security reason.

The Lovely and Talented Princess Harrison |
Dear Princess, You are sooooo beautiful! Thank you for
your picture. I have it in a frame and right here by my computer so that I can look at you all the time. I have
never seen, in all my life, such a beautiful woman. And the way you are dressed in that lovely flowing white dress and
the hat. Women in American don't dress like that. But I must say that you are scaring me with this
mummy talk. What is that all about? You don't look like any mummy that I've seen. I've only seen mummies
in the movies and they weren't very nice. Please tell me that you are just joking about being a mummy. As
far as the money goes, why don't you just send me a cashier's check to my home address. I would love to come over there
and see you and pick it up and everything. I'm afraid that I can't afford the airline ticket. But if you
can you send me some money I'll buy a ticket and be on the next plane over there. But only if you promise me that we
can go out on a date first! Love and Super Safe Sex, Donny
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 05:49:28 -0800 (PST) From: "prinecess
mummy" <> Subject: from princess, i need your urgent reply.
Dear my Donny, i received your mail,may i say thanks.hope this
is not a joking matter cos in your message you mension joking,pls am not a joker.i brought you in this transaction becos of
my financial problem becos of my situation here in the refugee camp,and your telling me for a cashier check,pls now i don't
have money,i beckoned on this money when you finaaly received it and i will go with you to invest this money in your country.
Donny,pls i want you to come here and visit the security company
and sign the vital documents so that you can receive the money ,then i will go with you to your country America.that will
be the easyest way,suggest,pls know that by me i don'thave money am managing feeding here and everything is very costly.pls
look were you can borrow money to come so that you will witness everything with your eye cos it may sound strange to you.
i stop here till i hear from you,have a nice day.
bye, princess.
Princess, I assure you that I am not joking about things.
I am just asking you to please explain why you call yourself a mummy. You are so beautiful. I was very frightened
by a mummy in a movie I saw when I was a child. I am sending you a picture of the mummy that scared me. Why do
you call yourself that? Anway, enough of the mummy business. As long as you are a real human being and not a monster,
I am not afraid. I will try to come over to see you in person. I have a few questions. How much does
an airline ticket cost? What town do I fly to? Will I be able to stay with you? Will we share
the same bed? I will be trying to borrow money from some relatives and friends to make the trip. Meanwhile,
please write me e-mails and tell me that you love me and that I'm a handsome man who would make a good husband to you. Love
and smooches, Donny

The Boris Karlof Mummy That Scares Me! |
(She loves me....she really loves me!)
Dear Donny Osmond,
Thanks for your mail, am pleased to tell you that that i, i am
a kind of womant that you will allways like to be with, am a human being, not a moster, why people call me muumy was because
i am my grands mummy pet, she allway like me to be at her side.Please not that this transaction in never a joking matter,
cos all my family life dependes on it, and am hoping that you will advice me on the way forward, so do not be afraid of anything
concerning this transaction, because i so much belive that we have so much to do in time fusure.
Note that our unity is Gods wish, and am hoping to that you will
guide me, more especialy, on where to invest this money. I will like you to know that, love is allway a strong four letter
word, and one should not play with it, for me to tell you that i love you, will never be a hard word on my lips, but could
you let me know that you will allway care for me?, the fact remains that, since i set my eyes on your picture, i have never
being my self, only that i have been traying to control my self in other not to get sick over it, what am telling you now
is a secreat that i keept to my self, but after reading your mail, i was forced to put it down in writing, so what i am to
say that, " I LOVE YOU", after seeing your hadsome picture look.
For you to come over tocome over to see you in person in
Africa, i do not know what the air ticket will cost you to come, where am my country is in benin republic cotonou, so you
can enquire from your agent to know how mush the air ticket will cost to come down. am allways looking forward to see you,
more importantly, when you come, we will hire an athorney that will take us to the security company to sing (a singing attorney, how novel!) all the vital documents that will authenticate
the calim on your name as the new beneficiary of the fund.
Note that you have to keep this transaction on your self in other
not put this transation in jopardy, i must tell you once again that i love you.
Princess, I LOVE YOU TOO! I can't believe that we're saying this after
just a few e-mails and pictures, but I just feel that we were meant for each other. I can look at your picture and I
just get tingles all over my body. I'm going to beg, steal and borrow to get enough cash together
to get over to your country and see you. I don't even care about the money, even though it would be nice. I just
want to see you and hold your hand and even kiss you if you'll allow me to. Would you allow me to kiss you if
I traveled all the way from America. How far do you folks go on the first date in Benin? Anyway,
please know that my heart is with you. I will do anything to meet you. Do you have any more pictures that
you could send me? Please write to me my love. Tell me what your dreams and fantasies are and what
a great life that you see that we will have together. I am CRAZY in love with you as I write this.
With all my love and sensuous kisses, Donny Osmond
Dear Donny Osmond,
Thanks for your mail, i will like you to understand that we are
adults, for us to be talking about love, we have to be very pratical about it, i would prefar to meet you in person, when
you visit Benin, so that we can praticalise our love, i must tell you that i have you in my mind, if your are willing to work
with me, am a kind of person that all way like action in any thing am doing, i will like you to answer this question,do you
enjoy manking love on the one on one, or on the enternet?.
For me i could have loved two of us to be in a confoutable hotel
room and make that best of love you can think of, presently note that the year is comming to an end, and it will interest
you to know that, we have to cash this money at the security company, before christmas, to enable us arrange were the money
will be invested next year.Have you asked your traveling agent how mush tha air ticket to Benin will cost?,because you did
not mensioned anything concerning that in your mail to me, i am very intersted to know about that, so that we can proceed.
When do you think that you will come down to meet me in Benin?,because since we have started loving each other,we have to
be fast about it, in other not to hot our feelings.
For now i dont have any more picture for you, unless i sent for
the photographer to snap another.
Take things cool for now, untill we meet one on one,in Benin,
so that you can show me how strong you are in the beedroom.just keep my love to your self,cos am a gelouse lover if i fall
in love.
Stay cool, and have a wonderfull kiss. i love you once more.
Thanks, and bset regards.
NB: note that i am a princess, men allways want my love, but i
do not want to give my self out to men,because i do not to have any bad expirence of haert braking, so since i have started
loving you, do not break my haert, will you agree with me?
Dear Princess, I promise that I will never, ever, break your heart.
I am so much looking forward to meeting you and spending some time getting to know each other. I loved your description
of how we would be together. I just can't wait for that to happen. I'm sending you another picture of me
so you can hold and touch that picture until I get there. I got a quote on an airfare. It's more money
than I have now, so I'm going to have to raise some money. I have some ways to do that. Anyways, here
is the flight I have in mind. Roundtrip Fare $3114 Total (USD)
9:55 am Sun., Jan. 2 Salt Lake City (SLC)
10:20 pm Mon., Jan. 3 Cotonou (COO) Travel Time: 28 hrs 25 min Stops:
2 Delta Air Lines #479 / #8553 / #8620 Operated by Air France 12:20 am Mon.,
Jan. 10 Cotonou (COO)
6:00 pm Mon., Jan. 10 Salt Lake City (SLC) Travel Time: 25 hrs
40 min Stops: 2 Delta Air Lines #8427 / #8510 / #252 Love and Insanity, Donny

Donny's Album Cover Pic |
Dear my Donny,
Thanks for your wonderfull words, in fact you have made my day
after reading our mail, i amjust thinking how we are going to spent a wonderfull days in Benin, when you arrive.
What made me to be more happy was that you menssioned that you
will never break my heart, which shows that you have good dreams and feelings for me, so allways keep your word intight.
Am very hapy the way you are following this transaction, because
from every indications, i so mush belive that we are thinking towards the same dirction.My dear Donny, with the information
you sent to me concerning your flight schedule, to Benin, i think that for you to come over to cotonou by january might delay
the transaction, i could have wanted you to enquire more on any air line, that is not air france,ie. Ethiopia air or Kenya
aways and south Africa air that can arrive Cotonou or any of the west Africa coast from where you can transist to benin. More
the air france shedule you sent to me, looks as if the cost is at the high side, so make more enquire over this, so that you
can come down to Benin befor christmas, to enable us see each other and conclude the trannsaction at the security company,
note that i have the intension of traveling back with you to USA, after every transaction is complited. I will like you to
send me a letter of invitaion so that my lawyer will start processing my traveling documents.
Note that why i want you to come down before chritmas was because
presently, i have some one that has been trasing my mouvment in the refugee camp and he is traying to know what ever am doing,
and this might jorpadise that transaction cos, this transaction has allways been keept secret by me, even i letter found out
that he treased to know the phographer that took me the picture i sent to you, so now am very much afried over that, for that
reason i will want us to be faster now.
Note you can go ahead to borrow more money as you messioned, and
kindly let me know how much you were able to borrow, for me to see if it will be okay for your tripe here and aswell the transaction.
Thanks and bye, remain bless for now and have a good day, i miss
you. hoping to see you here life.
Have a worm kiss (she is much funnier than
me, without even trying).
("Do It For The Princess" Concert Takes Shape)
Dearest Princess of Mine, I am sorry that I have not written
in several days. I am trying very hard to raise the money to make a trip over to see you and to boff you silly.
I'm afraid that I have too many obligations before Christmas to raise the money and make the trip. So, we'll have stick
to the January 3-10 dates. Don't worry about the dude that is tracing your movements. When I get over there
I'll protect you and kick his ass. Meanwhile, I am holding a concert in Central Park in Ogden and calling it
"Do It For The Princess." It will be December 23rd and many Americans are in the giving mood before Christmas, so we'll
ask them to buy a ticket to my Donny Osmond concert and all bring an extra $5 or a can of food for your cause. I have
printed flyers which your picture on it and put them all over town to promote the concert. I'm going to be singing all
my favorite Christmas season songs in your honor but I'm going to change some of the words, like "There's Nothing like a Cotonou
Christmas", "The Little Drummer Boy of Benin" and my personal favorite, "I Saw Princess Kissing Santa Claus!". It was
either doing the concert or holding up a liquor store and I chose to do the concert. I love you, my little
sweet hot chocolate lady! Can't wait to be with you. I want to hold you in my massive powerful arms and
then put your head up against my rippling muscular chest. When you see my get off the airplane, I would like to
go straight to the motel room and take care of some business between me and you. Then after a long love chat, we can
talk about business and how we get your over here to the U.S.A. You are in all my wet dreams, Donny
Dearest Donny,
Thanks for you your sweet mail, any way i have been waiting to
read from you, but i must tell you that my heart is cool now after reading your mail, to understand all the lovely plans you
have for me.
I will be waiting for you to come down as you schedule, i am so
mushed touched with the way you are following this relationship, so may God alway guide and keep you for me, why it looks
as if am too anxious to meet you was that you sounds so measure to me and it trips me a lot, also as a woman, i thinking about
how am going to spend this Christmas without you, but since it not possible for us to be together in Christmas, i have to
be patience till when you arrive.
Please keep updating me about the concert that you are arranging
on my name, my sweet Donny.
Am always your princess.
Dear Sweet Princess, I have a little time to write to you so
I thought that I would. We are selling a lot of tickets to the "Do It For the Princess" concert. We've sold about
100 so far. We are getting $5 for a can of food for each ticket. We are putting up posters and flyers throughout
the town to promote it. The posters and flyers have your picture and your story about being a widow and a refugee and
asking people to donate to your cause and help bring you and your family to the U.S.A. You look
so beautiful in the picture you gave me. And yes, I have it up at my computer desk and I kiss you and drool over the
picture every day! I would like to ask a big favor of you. I need a few more pictures to help me promote
the concert. What I would like is one of you and your children looking sad and maybe wearing some old dirty clothes,
like you are in a refugee camp. The other one would be the same only with just you holding a hand lettered sign
that says "Help Me Donny". If I had those pictures, I'm sure that people will really understand and we could double
the number of tickets that we can sell to the Princess concert. A letter to the fans would be great too! Please
honey help me with this. Time is running out and I want to have enough money to travel over there and then bring us
both back to start our new life of love, wealth and happiness in U.S.A. XOXOXOXO, Donny Osmond
Dear my Donny Thanks for your mail, and all the contents was
well noted by me, i must tell you that i apriciate all your efforts towards our seccessfull meeting in Benin, frankly
speaking i must tell you that,i am not free in the refugee camp and
there are some things that the camp management does not allow in the camp. Do you know that before i could take the
picture i sent to you, i have to bribe the two officers so that they could cover me up and allow me to go out of the
camp and take the picture.
Things are so bad in the camp that i am not a free person, that
was why i am trying my best to see that we complite this transaction soonest, so that i can get out of the camp. You must
understand my reason for not been able to send you another picture, personaly i will like to send you one, since you are helping
me to solve my problem, i will be traying my best to see if i can make.
Thanks my love, i allways appriciate your efforts, may God protect
you for me.
Yours Princess.
Princess, I am sorry but I feel very let down and cold from your response.
I am trying very hard to promote the "Do It For The Princess" concert with Donny. But you won't even send me a picture.
People look at the first picture that you gave me and they say, "she doesn't look like a refugee" and "man she looks great
for being in a refugee camp". Other people have told me that they don't believe you are real or that you are trying
to fool me into sending you money. I punched one old lady right in the mouth when she said that. I
am having a very hard time selling tickets without a picture of you in the refugee camp. Please find a friend
or sleep with a guard so that they will let you take a picture. Take a picture that makes you look tired and sad
and hold up a sign with words that says, "Help Me Donny". I could sell 1000 tickets easily with a picture like that.
Please help me to help you. Otherwise, I'm not sure that we are going to make enough money to pay for the tickets over
and back. Love, Donny
Dearest Donny, i received your mail,may i say that all your
mails gives me a lot of joy,doony,am very happy as our relationship is going smoothly,nevermind what people may say,they said
that it seems fooling, but my assurance is forgot them when you finally arrive here all thing will be review ok.
if that you keep it so secret as i told you people couldnt
have said rubbish,anyway they will see and believe ok.
pls Donny,you said i should sleep with the guard man,do you really
love me,becos am supprised that you said i should sleep with the guard why? just becos of picture i will useless my self,any
i cant sleep with him,only you can see my nakedness,all am doing is to protect my image cos am from a disciplined family ok,
today i tried and tell the guard that am going out,he totaaly refused that he cant permited me unless i give him 100$
but i dont have,all the money with me has finish,am waiting for my cousine who use to help me finacially,but i have not hear
from him, pls my dear donny, kindly send me the 100$ for me to give the guard man so that he will allow me and my family to
go and take the picture as you requested pls, i know that am giving you labour but do it for me ok.
i will stop here till i hear from you, stay cool,happy christmas,am
sending you my kiss, remain bless, love,princess
Dear Princess, The concert is tonight! There is no time
for any more promotion. So far we have sold 500 tickets. That's not as much as we had hoped for but we may sell
more at the gate tonight. I'm sorry that you were not willing to sacrifice just a little to get me a real picture
of you. So, I hope that you don't mind but I went ahead and used another picture that I got off the Internet to use
on our fliers and posters for the "Do It For The Princess" concert. Hopefully this will make people feel sorry for you.
The show must go on! Rock and Roll for the Princess baby!!! Loves Ya, Donny

Princess Refugee Picture We Used to Promote the Concert |
Princess Baby, Merry Christmas to you. I've got
a little present for you right here in my pants. Well the "Do It For The Princess" concert went over pretty
well last night. We had 2000 people come to it. Some paid the $5 and others just brought a can of food for
the cause. So, anyway the ticket sales were about $7500. We had to pay $1000 for the auditorium, the
promoter got $2000, my manager got $1000, the 5 band members each got $500. That leaves me with only $1000 to
spend on the two of us. Anyway, I did get all the cans of food, which we can always use. I'm having a really good
can of spinach right now as I type. (Donny tries to pimp for the
So, my dear Princess, I'm still a little short of raising the
cash that I need to come over there and visit you. Do you have any ideas on how we can make some more money honey?
I have some ideas for you. Maybe you could raise a little cash there in the refugee camp, by servicing some of
the lonely men that must be there. You are such an attractive woman, I am sure that men would be willing to pay
top dollar for you company. Don't worry, I'm not the jealous type. I know that it's just for money and not for
love. If you don't like that idea how about me selling some of your nude pictures to magazines here in the U.S.
You know U.S. men just go crazy over someone called "princess". So, please do what you can to raise some money so I
can buy the airline ticket. I can't wait to see you and i've got that Christmas present that's just waiting for
you baby! Love, Donny P.S. I'm sending a couple of pictures from the concert. Don't worry,
that blonde next to me back stage is my cousin.

Donny Working the Crowd at "Do It For The Princess" |

Playing Santa to the Blonde "Cousin" |
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 07:24:51 -0800 (PST) From: "Donny Osmond"
<> Subject: Re: am looking forward to see you in Benin, am falling
in love
Dear Princess, Why are you so quiet suddenly. Please
respond to me. My heart is aching to hear from you. I hope that everything is okay with you and with us.
I know that you are dissapointed with me and the concert for not making enough money for the journey. But I do have
some other ideas on raising money. I am going to contact my cousin, Shaq, and ask him to loan me the money.
He is a rich basketball player with the Miami Heat and has like 12 Humvees in his garage. I'm sure he could spare
a could spare a couple of G's for good old cousin Donny. Otherwise, if he does not offer me the money, I am thinking
about holding up a liquor store or maybe a bank if I get ambitious. Princess, my love for you has not
stopped even after this temporary setback. I am still as determined as ever to get over to Benin and shag you silly.
I hope that you will trust me and believe in me, the great Donny Osmond, who will come to your rescue very soon.
Love, The Donster
Princess, Please tell me that you are not dumping me like a rotten potato.
Many people warned me that after the concert that this is what you would do, except they told me that you just wanted me for
the money. Well, since I managed to raise $1000 for you and I still have that, they must be wrong. So, why
is it that you're ignoring me? I hope that you aren't angry with me for some reason. You know how much I love
you. I only live and breath for you at this point my dear one. If there is anything that I
have said or done to offend you, please forgive me. Otherwise, I hope that you are not tied up, taken away and
held for ransom or something worse than that in the refugee camp. I still plan to come and rescue you soon. I
just need to raise a little money in the best way I can. Love forever, Donny
Dear Donny.
Thanks for your mail, anyway i have been admitted in the hospital
for my ill health, and i was been advised by the doctor to have s bed rest for some time, so am very sorry for not have been
responding to your mail.
What i will want you to know is that it was because of the
way this transaction was going that made me to be thinking so much., from the look of things i can understood that you are
not capable of financing this business by raising sufficient fund for the transaction.
So if you think that you can still carry on with this business,
by arranging enough money kindly let me know on time, to enable me know what to do next.
Yours Princess.
Dear Princess, I am so sorry to hear
that you were sick in the hospital. What kind of sickness do you have? Do you have good doctors in the hospital?
I hope that you don't have the AIDS. Have they tested you for AIDS yet? I hope that it's just a bad cold
or something. Anyway, my princess, you must not lose your love or your faith in me. I know that you are
dissappointed that I didn't make a hundred thousand dollars on the concert like I usually do. But it was just hard to
promote it with all the doubters and skeptics her in the U.S. They are saying like, "Princess who?", or "is she one
of the Tutsi rebels or part of the Hutu regime?" then "I didn't hear about this on CNN". So you know, I really had to
make a lot of stuff up since I don't really know. So, I don't mean to be rude but who are you and what is your history?
What should I tell people about you? How did you get to be a princess? My relatives are asking questions
too when I tell them that I'm going to marry a princess. My uncle Shaq is willing to give us some money but he
has a lot of questions and thinks that I am being fooled by someone. Should I give him your e-mail address?
I love you, even if you have the AIDS. They have medicine and doctors here in the U.S.
My plans are to get some money from my rich uncle Shaq, who plays in the NBA and makes millions of dollars every year.
If I can convince him that you are the real Princess Harrison of Rwanda, then I can get some money and be there by the end
of January to bring you home. Does that sound good to you? Love, Donny
Dear Princess, Happy New Years!!! I have made a
resolution. That resolution is to work toward fulfilling my destiny with you my love. Love
and Curdled Milk, Donny
Dearest Princess, I hope that by now that you are out of the
hospital and that you do not have the AIDs or some other incurable disease. Please write to me as soon as you
can. I miss you! I have some great news. Ever since the Princess concert here in Ogden, my
phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from record companies and concert promotors who want to work with me.
They said they liked my like performance at the Princess concert. I'm going to be rich very soon! I've asked
my uncle Shaq to be my business manager since he is used to working with millions of dollars. So things are looking
up for us honey. I've got several new concerts booked and I'm going to be making some big money soon.
Maybe we could swing by Cotonou, do a concert and then bring you home as one of our groupies. So, honey please
let me know what I can do for you until then. I do still love you and I hope that you still feel the same about
me. Love, Donny
Princess, I need to know if you still love me or not. I think
I still love you, but recently I've had one of the groupies of our band express a sincere interest in me and she wants to
be my princess. I told her that I was already in a relationship with you but that didn't seem to matter to her.
She said that she had an obligation to service the lead singer of the band. I really want to be with you but I don't
know if you are dead or alive. So, I've written one more song for you. Please respond. Otherwise,
this will be my last e-mail to you.
"Release Me"
Oh please release me, let me go For I just don't love you anymore To
waste our lives would be a sin Release me and let me love again
I have found a new love dear And I will always want her near Her lips
are warm while yours are cold Oh release me, my darling let me go
Please release me, let me go For I just don't love you anymore To
waste our lives would be a sin Release me and let me love again
Let me go, oh release me, my darling Let me go Donny
Dear Princess, I sometimes think about how things might have
been with us. I'm sorry that things didn't work out. I wish that I could share some of my new wealth and fame
with you. My career as a singer and songwriter is really taking off since that concert for your benefit. I'm
afraid that you are seriously ill or dead at this point from AIDs. I can imagine you laying in some refugee camp
hospital with open sores that are oozing puss all over the place. I wish that I could come and rescue you from
all this but I just don't know how to reach you. I will always love you with all my heart. I am recording
a music CD Entitled "What I Meant To Say" and it's all love songs that I've written to you and is dedicated completely to
you. Love and Psychotic Kisses, Donny Osmond
Looks like we're losing the Princess, so we'll throw her one last
bone and see if she bites at it.
Dear Princess, This Is My Final Plea
For Your Love. Please Do Not Ignore This. If you are still alive and you get this message,
please know that I am ready and I have the money now to come over to see you. Please my love, if you still care
about me and you want to be with me and do the wild whoopy, then let me know. Right now I am clearing my concert
schedule so that I could come over there for about a week in the middle of February. Will you be available or do you
have other appointments? Please confirm. If I do not hear from you, I will now assume
that you either are dead or that you have lost your love for me and found another man. If you are dead I can forgive
you. If you found another man, I will never forgive you. First, I will hunt him down like an animal. When
I have found him I will slap him around until he is silly in the head and he barks like dog. After dispatching your
man, I will capture you and I will swoop you up in my arms, stuff you in my luggage and take you back to American where I
will hide you in my basement as my secret love slave and act out all my sick twisted fantasies upon you. Please do not
disappoint me! Donny
(She's obviously one of those who likes to be treated a little rough sometimes!)
Dearest Donny,
Thanks for your mail, am still mush alive only that i was adviced
by my doctor to stay of this transaction for some timein other not to develope high blood preasure. I think that you have
started showing seriousness over this transaction from the way you used your word in your last mail to me, i hope that you
will keep it up, so that we can complite this transaction we started since last year.
Some time i feelt like abandoning you but after tinking much about
the love i have developed for you i became weak, so what else can i do? only to keep having patience with you, untill you
make up your mind to come to my aid, which i have seen through the reaction of your mail to me.
I will be waiting for you, am still kiking fine, here there are
so many funs you will never want to miss, so come over and see the beauty of my fathers land, Africa.
Now i have goten a lawyer that will be handling this transaction
on our behalf, i will like to have your phone number in other for him to be communication you effectively.
Hoping to read from you soonest.
Yours princess and i allways remain yours for ever, kiss you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Princess, Kiss, kiss to you. My love meter just jumped
up for joy when I received your e-mail. I'm so glad to know that you are alive. I hope that your high blood
pressure is coming down now that you and I are back together. I can't wait to see Africa.
Can you recommend any good websites that I can look at about your homeland before I come over? Do you have any
hotels or restaurants to recommend? When would be a good time for my visit? I am so crazy after thinking
about you all this time and not getting any e-mail. Can you write me a sexy e-mail and tell me in detail how you
will please me as my wife in bed? Please have your lawyer call me at (801) 582-9089. Tell your lawyer
to use the password "Purple" so that they know that it is him and not some crazy fan of my music trying to talk to me.
Otherwise, they don't usually let people talk to me.
Love and Sarcasm, Donny
Dearest Donny,
Thanks for your mail, am very happy to be in communication with
you once more, how are you and your band group with hope that things are moving well for all of you over there America, am
hopping to join you soon once you come down to finalise all the necessary arrangements at the security company to enable you
put claims to the money, so that it will be successfully released to you are the new beneficiary.
I wouldn't know how i will start singing my love song to you,
i must tell you that your picture tells every thing about you, for the fact that we have not seen each other before does not
mean any thing to me, i have made up my mind to give you the best of princess love, do you know what i mean? i must
make sure that every part of your "BODY" will be completely wet while am holding you inside our hotel room.
I will send your contact number to my lawyer to start communicating
you, i will like you to start arranging for your visit to Benin by middle of February. For now i dint have any sit to give
you but if i get any, i will forward it to you.
Thanks for your love,
Yours Princess, have this kiss once more'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Dearest Princess, You are my sex kitten. I love you so
much. I am just going crazy in anticipation of our meeting. Can't wait to see you, to touch you, to talk
to you. I really don't care about the money. I told my brother about us and he said that he thought I was
in love with your money and not with you. I pulled his ear for saying that and then I gave him a noogy and then
finished him off with a swirly. No, it is not your money that I'm in love with, but it is truly you. I
hope that you know that and believe that. I actually am starting to get some money of my own now that my singing career
is taking off. I've been putting most of my money in savings, waiting until a time when we can settle down and
buy a nice house in the country. So how many kids do you want to have? How about animals, like a horse
and a cow? Maybe some dogs and cats too? When I get with you and we are finally alone together,
I would like us to sit and have a nice glass of wine or champaign. We will be in a first class hotel in Benin
and we will sit in a hot tub together and I will entertain you with my hot tub bubble tricks. We will keep drinking
wine and after awhile the heat and the wine will make us silly. We will flirt like crazy kids with each other
and finally I will get my courage up to bust a move and then kiss you when you least expect it. You will kiss me back
and we will just be stuck to each other like superglue. Then the heat will be on. I hope you will be gentle with
me because I have never been with a woman before. I see us going on like this for hours until we fall into bed out of
sheer exhaustion. So, get me in touch with the lawyer dude and we'll work out the detail of our meeting
in Benin. My uncle Shaq is a lawyer and if you want he said that he would come along and look over any contracts or
bank documents that we have to sign. Love ya baby and can't wait to shag ya. Love
and Incredulous Kisses, Donny
Dearest Princess, I am sitting here drooling all over your
picture that I keep here by my computer. You are so lovely. I just can't wait to hold you and to kiss you. Sorry
it took me a few days to get back to you, I had a big concert this weekend and just sang my ass off. The ladies
seem to really like me because they keep throwing their unmentionables up on stage. Of course I don't even look or sniff
them, I just let the roadies take them home. I am concerned that you have not forwarded the contact
information for your lawyer. I certainly hope that this story of money is not just an attempt to lure me over there
to marry you. Because I would marry you anyway, with or without the money. Please do not feel that you have
to impress me with money. I am more interested in genuine true and unadultered LOVE! So, send me some love
by e-mail sugar baby. Kisses, Donny
Princess Mummy, Where are you? Why haven't you contacted
me? We have many plans to make. I'm afraid now that I won't be able to confirm a mid-February visit since
I didn't hear from you. My manager has gone ahead a booked me for several concerts during that time. Dammit Princess!
What is going on! Has this all been some kind of cruel joke on me, just to tear my heart to shreds?
I will only excuse you if I find out that you have been sick and in the hospital again. I hope it is just
that you have a small case of the HIV or AIDS or something like that. If that is the case and you get out of the
hospital, please e-mail me as soon as possible so that we can get on with our romance novel. If I hear from you
soon, maybe we can plan a little Donny and Mummy rendezvous in March. Love and Contagious Kisses, Donny
Dearest Donny, Pls am sorry for not reaching you for some days
now,Is becos i was not access to computer but now am free now ok,so i called my lawyer to start preparing the vital documents
that will warrant your coming,he said that i have to pay some money for the legal document securied at the federeal
high court,but i don't have any money here with me,my ill health cost me a lot of money which i don't want to tell
pls kindly send him 700$ as he demanded for the certificate ok,i shall be happy if you to send it to him,or send it to me
so that i will send it to him,this documents the lawyer will secure will be in your position when going at the security company
as the new beneficiary of the fund,so i will stop here cos someone wants to make use of the system now,
bye and remain bless,kiss to you. princess.
Princess Mummy, I'm glad that you are better now. I was
worried that you either were dead or had another man in your life. I called all the hospitals in Benin and they just
laughed at me when I asked for Princess Harrison. So, I then asked if they had Prince Albert in the can but I don't
think they got the joke. Hey, what is yoru first name anyway? It must be something besides just
Princess. And what are your kids names? You told me that you had two kids. And which people do you belong
to, Fon, Yoruba, Voltaic, or Fulani? Can you tell that I've been studying Benin! You have not told me what
your illness is. I demand as your husband to be, that you tell me now what this illness is. I need to know before
we are married that you are healthy enough to stay up with me in the old bedroom. Not to make you jealous but I have
many very healthy women here in America who are interested in me and tell me that they would go with me all night long.
So baby cakes, you want me to throw some money your way for what? A certificate? Well okay,
I guess. It seems a little high to me but what do I know about prices in your country. So, how shall I send
it, Western Onion in Cotonou I presume? Let me know if that is acceptable. Otherwise, maybe it can just
wait until I come over there? Love and Flatulant Kisses, Donny
Princess ___________ Harrison, Your answer was all short and
in CAPS, like you were mad at me. I hope that you aren't mad at me. I just want to know more about the
woman that I love. I want you to know that Maria and Emmanuel are welcome to live with us when we marry and I
will treat them like my own. You did not answer my other questions, that I really need to know before we can
call this a serious relationship. Your full name:_____________________________ Your illnesses: ____________________________ When
I get the answers to these questions then I will send you the money. Have cool day and please accept my apologies
by this big hug and wet kiss that I am sending to you now. Love and Delirious Kisses, Donny
Dearest Donny,
I Recieved your mail,pls cherish my shot words ok,am not annoyed.
my full name is princess harrison,
my illness is malaria fever,cos of the mosquito here in the
so happy when reading your mail,so Donny,i remain yours forever.
bye my sweet heart.
pls remain bless,kiss to you
Dear Princess, My love, my sweetness. I was so glad to
get your e-mail that I nearly deficated all over myself. Thank you for your response. Now, I feel
like I really know you and your kids. I want you to know that I will be willing to adopt them and raise them as my own.
Do you have any sisters? I would like to marry them too. As far as the Malaria, that's no
problem. I think we have some cures for that. I'm just glad that it's not HIV or AIDS or something worse.
My grandfather Osmond got the Malaria bug back in WWII in the jungles of the Phillipines. He never took
the quinine cure but instead made up his own cure. He discovered that you could kill the malaria parasite by drinking
a fifth of whiskey every day. That's what grandpa Osmond did until the day he died. And sure enough he never
had the Malaria again. I sent a Western Onion money order to Princess Harrison. So, they may ask
you for identification and to answer a secret question. Here's all the information they said that you need to know honey
pie; 1.Sent to - Princess Harrison 2.From - Donald K. Osmond 3.Amount sent - $1000 (a little extra to spend
on Maria and Emmanuel) 4. Western Onion control number 3612512920 5.Test question - "What was the name of Donny
Osmond's first #1 hit record and the year" 6. Answer - "Go Away Little Girl - 1971"
Stay blessed and think of me and our totally fabricated love affair.
me to send the money to you, now you change your mind. Is it because "Princess" isn't really your first name?
You want me to go back and tell the Western Onion people that I made a mistake? What is going on with you Princess?
Are you mental? A little Malaria and you can't get off of your butt to go to the bank? Do you think that
you have me on such a short leash that good old Donny will just jump when you say jump? Who do you think that
you are? African women do not seem to know how to show their men proper respect.
Sincere Scatological Surprise, Donald K. Osmond
Dearrest Donny,
Good day,sorry for using capital letters cos i have no much time
on the net,pls forgive me.
am not shouting on you ok,but becos i was hurring up so that i
will meet my time,i know that am sending you back,but kindly accept me ok,am your lovely life to be,send it according to my
direction,cos am not in a position to go out any how,resend it by my lawyer's name as i told you.
Donny,see you ,bye and remain bless,and have a good appologize
love princess.
Dear Princess, Much better. You need to learn to show
your man some respect by not shouting. Please, when you write me, do not use capital letters as it is too loud
and hurts my ears. You must not rush when you are writing to me. You must take your time and carefully choose
your words and letters. Love cannot be rushed. Meanwhile, I have decided to go ahead with my generosity
and send you and your children $1000 which you can spend on lawyers, medicine, or ice cream. Enjoy!
Please have your attorney contact Western Onion, 1.Sent to -Barrister Patrick Okocha, Abiddjan,
Ivory Coast 2.From - Donald K. Osmond 3.Amount sent - $1000 (a little extra to spend on Maria and Emmanuel) 4. Western
Onion control number 3612512921 5.Test question - "What was the name of Donny Osmond's first #1 hit record and the
year" 6. Answer - "Go Away Little Girl - 1971" Please confirm when your lawyer has received this and given
it to you. I fully expect you to pay me back in L-O-V-E when we get together baby! Fallacious Kisses To
You! Donny
Dear Princess, How are you my love? Did your friend,
Barrister Patrick Okocha received the Western Onion money transfer? Please let me know that you got the money
and that you are out on a spending spree at the mall or something. Otherwise, things are good hear. I am
playing many concerts and my CD is selling well. Did I tell you that I've dedicated my CD to you.
It isn't actually printed on the CD or cover, but I said it just a few weeks ago, "I dedicate this CD to Princess Harrison".
So, it should bring us both some very good luck and hopefully a few extra bucks! Right now I have
a cold and a fever and so I'm not singing at all. I know what you must feel like when you have Malaria.
Do you know if that stuff is contagious? Anyway, sweetness, please e-mail me and let me know that you and your
family are blessed and happy. Love and Excrement, Donny
Dear Princess, My mind is going crazy since I have not heard
from you in a very long time. Please confirm that you did receive my gift of love money. I hope that you are not
sick with the Malaria again. Please et me help you. Grandpa Osmond had Malaria too and he has a lot of good cures
that I could share with you. Please e-mail me soon and let me know that you are still alive and well. Love, Donny
Princess, I am so worried about you. It has been nearly
a week since I have heard from you. Are you okay? Are you alive? Is your malaria acting up again?
I need to know that you received the money that I sent to you. I hope that you did not just flirt with me all
this time to steal my money and then run away. Please let me know that you are doing okay. I will not rest
until I hear from you. I am the love of your life that you cannot forget, Donny Osmond
(I think the Princess really does use all caps when she is angry)
Princess, What have I done to deserve such an insult about
being a "boy"? Maybe you think I'm a boy because I was a child rock star. It doesn't matter, because
I forgive you. I know that you will come to your senses some day and realize that it is Donny Osmond who loves you more
than anyone, more than God himself. And when you see me naked baby, you will realize that I am all man. I
received notification yesterday from the Western Onion people that my money transfer was not picked up by your friend Patrick
Okocha. They are refunding my money to me. I don't know why you people weren't able to accept my gift, but I see
this as a sign that maybe things weren't meant to be. Princess, I leave it in your sweaty hands.
Do you want to continue this relationship or not. Donny Osmond has tried hard to treat you like a Princess that you
are. I have offered you money and a free trip to Ogden Utah. On the other hand, you haven't given me anything
yet, not even a real kiss. If you change your mind, I'm still here baby. Love and Sincere Defication, Donny
Dear Donny, pls forgive me for what i said,
it was as a result of what i received from my lawyer that you are fooling me that's why i said
so.he said that he went to the western union money transfer to received the money you sent,but they told him that the number
you sent was fake,i told you that the western union demands for paying slip if aswell you sent money.uptill now i have not
seen it why?
i made up my heart to love you,but what i hated is some one lieing me,i wanted to ensure you
this $5m,but my lawyer said that you are fooling me,pls are you fooling me?reply immediately.
Dear Princess, Why would your lawyer say such a thing unless
he was looking for an excuse for his own incompetency? I have had 1000 people tell me that this whole thing with you
and him was a lie, but I went ahead with it anyway. Even my mother tells me not to get involved with you. But
my faith has always been with you my love. Please tell your lawyer that I will not deal with him. If we
are to do any business, it will be directly between you and me, so that we know that we are dealing with honesty and love.
I do not feel that I can trust anybody but you. I got a receipt from the Western Onion people, but it
all doesn't matter because they refunded my money since they said it wasn't picked up. That's all I can tell you.
Obviously your lawyer either is inexperienced or wrote down some of the information wrong. You need to get another attorney
my love. You aren't sleeping with this guy are you? Anyway, I don't really care that much about the
money. I really care about you. I just wanna get busy with ya and do that nasty all day long. Sincerely, Donny
Dearest Donny, i received your mail,am happy now that you are
sincere to me. know that i don,t know any other barrister that can help us over this transaction in which we are about
to finalised.
anyway,now send me the money again via western union with theabove
name mension to you.
am family are happy aswell,how is your work moving,hope cool,so
take good care of urself till we see face to face,my family has no money now to feed.
pls kindly send some money for us,take care of urself bye.
love princess.
(Donny pops the question and then sends funny money to try and
seal the deal)
Dear Princess, I am sorry that I have not e-mailed in so long.
Trust me that I have not forgotten about you my love. I think about you every waking hour of the day. I
have been away from the computer and could not e-mail you while I was on a music tour promoting my latest album.
The album is selling very well and is actually in the top 10 on the adult novelity and satire charts. Besides
that I have been dealing with a nasty STD that I picked up while out on tour. From now on I'm going to insist on testing
of all the groupies tested before we get down to business. You have been so patient and so loving with me.
I owe you so much for that. I want to build a life together for the two of us. One in which we have a beautiful
home with a pool, plenty of money, lots of food and drugs and we can live happily in love. Do you share my dream?
Will you be my Princess? If you will, I will make you my Queen. After much thought I have given to
this question, I must now ask you a very serious question; PRINCESS, WILL YOU MARRY ME?
Please take your time in thinking about this and responding to
me. It is too serious to answer quickly. If your parents are still alive and it is customary for me to ask
them for permission to take you as my bride, or to purchase you from them, I will do that. Meanwhile, as you
think about this I am sending the Western Onion Money Order once again. Please, please have your lawyer man write
this down carefully so that all of the information gets relayed properly and without error. It is very important
that you get this money so that you can have some money for your medical treatments and a little left over to go and buy yourself
a present like a big screen TV or something. So, here is the information to give to your lawyer to present to
the local Western Onion office. 1.Recipient - Barrister Patrick Okocha 2.Location - Abiddjan, Ivory Coast 2.From
- Donald K. Osmond 3.Amount sent - $2,500.00 4.Western Onion control number 36125174263 5.Test question -
"Donny's First Wife's Name" 6. Answer - Marie I love you with all my hearts and my soles, Donny
Dear Princess, Greetings and may Cod bless you.
I hope that I did not send you into cardiac arrest with my marraige proposal. If I did, that was not my intent.
I have told all my family, mother, father, brothers, cousins and family hangers ons that I have proposed to you and that I
am waiting anxiously for your answer. So, what will it be Princess Mummy? Will you accept my proposal
of marraige? I am down on my knees begging you as I am writing this. I have sent you a gift of money
and there is much more where that came from. Please confirm that you and/or your lawyer friend have received my money
gift. Princess, I am a patient man but I need to know by Monday if you will marry me or not.
I just can't wait anymore. In the very unlikely event that you should refuse my proposal, I need to start looking
for another suitable mate. But right now I really do hope that it is you who will be my mate. To
The One I Love I love you more than the sun and the moon in the month of June. More than the sky, brilliant blue
in July. And even more than any bust that I might see in August. Please accept my proposal Princess. With
Love and Polyunsaturated Kisses, Donny
Dearest Donny, my representatives went to the western union
to collect the money,but they said that it was fake control number,Donny why?you i gave my love.doing this to me, as you are
doing this to me is it how we can marry?anyway be bless.
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 22:56:30 -0800 (PST) From: "Donny Osmond"
<> Subject: Re: from princess, To: "prinecess mummy" <>
Dear Sweet Princess, I can only say that your representatives
must be fools. How could they mess up the very simple instructions that I sent? This was not a fake control
number, it was exactly what the Western Onion people gave to me on the reciept. I would fire the idiot representatives
that were supposed to get this for you. Maybe they took the money for themselves and just didn't tell you.
I think they stole the money from you. Don't blame their screw up on me, Donny Osmond. I do not make mistakes
or play games. Princess, I love you more today than I have ever loved any e-mail honey in my life.
I want to marry you. I have so much to give you. I could show you the lifestyle of a rock and roll star
in America. Then we could settle down in your country and make babies together. Do you realize that March 12th
will be our four month anniversary. That is longer than I have ever held an Internet relationship. How about
you? Princess, I so much want us to be married. I dream about you all the time and love to wank to
your picture. Can you send me another picture sometime. I seem to have soiled the original one that
you sent me. I have decided that if you will agree to have me as your husband that I will come over there
to meet you and we will get married right there in Benin. We can honeymoon and make love like rabbits for days
until we get tired. Then we can talk and decide how we want to live our lives. I promise to take care of
you and support you not like a princess, but like a queen. Then you will be known far and wide in both Africa and America,
as "Queen Osmond". If you will accept my proposal of marriage I will come over to Africa for you.
I will bring the money that you need in U.S.dollars. I will get you cured of malaria and then we will travel the
world together with my rock and roll show. If you can dance and sing, you could be part of the act.
We could sing like, "she's a little bit country, and I'm a little bit rock and roll". Please send me a new picture
and let me know your decision. If you choose to marry me, we will make plans right away. If not, then I suppose
that we will have to put an end to our passionate hot and sexy relationship. Please don't let me down. Love
and 3D Rendered Reality, Donny
Dearest, i received your mail. they said if you sent
money,that you send me the payment slip of the money you sent as you said.cos the characters was over.
love, princess
Dearest Princess, I don't know what to tell you. The
information that I sent to you was exactly the information that I received on the payment slip from Western Onion. But
sometimes I have problems with dyslexia so who knows. Anway, Princess the point is, that I want
to help you in your business. Then I want to get you into my bed and get busy with you. What can I
do to make this happen. Since your representatives seem to have so much trouble with Western Onion,
why don't I try to come over to Benin like I tried to do last winter. I will hand carry the money to you.
I may be able to get a break from my concert schedule in April if you are planning to be home. So, Princess please
don't be upset and don't be angry with me. This is Donny Osmond, the man that loves you more than dirt itself.
The man that would wrestle with angry hippos to win your love. The man who would chew through barbed wire in order to
rescue you from the refugee camp. I am the man that you are supposed to marry and have his babies. You must do
this in order to please God. It is our destiny sweetie. Love, Donny
Princess, Please write back to me. I need to know that
you are okay. I need to be able to love you and take care of you. Yes, I may have been
joking with you a little bit on all this stuff, like me being a big famous singer and not telling you about me being married
and having five kids. But other than that and not really sending you any money I have have been very sincere and honest
with you. Princess, after all these months I can't help but have fallen in love with you. I still
want to marry you and take care of you even after all the dissappointment that you have brought to me. I am willing
to forgive you about all your lies about being sick with Malaria and being in a refugee camp and all that, if you will forgive
me of my lies. So, what do you say honey? Do you want to start over fresh again? Love,
(Donny's final ridiculous plea)
Dear Princess, Please respond and give me some sort of confirmation
that this relationship is either on or is over. I really would hate to think that this is some sort of cruel,
twisted and demented joke on your part just to hurt me. Please tell that isn't so. Love, Donny
Dear Princess, I am assuming from your silence that we are
finished. Is is true? Because I just want you to know that I am willing to give our love one more
try if you are. Love, Donny
i see that you are not sincere,that's why i ignored your mail,
you told me that you sent money but all was lie. just go away
Dearest Princess, I apologize with all my heart for the problems
that I sent to you. Please understand that I did not lie to you or intentionally try to make things difficult.
It is because I am not very smart and I probably didn't write the instructions down correctly. I had never gone to Western
Onion before. I only went to the eighth grade in school. So, I don't understand math and business
very well. The only thing that I do well is to sing and to dance. For that, they pay me well. I could
use somebody smart like you in my life and my business so that people don't steal my money from me. Princess,
the most important thing in the world to me right now is our love. If we have love, we can work through any problems
that we might have. I LOVE YOU PRINCESS. How many times in life do you find real love like this.
Please, we don't want this to slip away. With All My Love and Gastric Reflux, Donny
Dear Princess, I want to let you know that I think of you every
day. I cry over our lost love and the life that we could have shared together. I hope that you are happy now.
Maybe you've found someone who has more money than I have but I doubt they are as handsome as me or can sing as well as I
can. No one could ever love you as much as I did. Love, Donny
Princess, You know that I still love you honey even if you won't write back
to me. I've setup a website to give the true story of our relationship, how we met, the love and good times and
then the ultimate breakup. I'm sorry that things didn't work out like we both wanted so bad my dear Princess. Here's
our website: I love you and have a good life! Donny
No reply and so that's the last we heard. Goodbye to the
famous Princess Mummy Harrison!